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~Alois's pov~

I suddenly felt the coolness hit my bare back. I guess Meredith went to the bathroom or is painting again. But she cant its way to early in the morning for that. Well she is a strange girl but i love her. She told me this isnt a dream, and i dont want to go back when Claude finds me. Meredith will be lonely, i know what loneliness feels like, and she shouldn't need to feel that. Alois just go back to sleep.


~Meredith's pov~

Everything is dark. Too dark for comfort. The last thing i remember is sleeping besides Alois. Then dragged out the bed, and knocked out by a tall dark figure. Im now tied up in another room. I hear foot steps coming near me.

"Well Meredith, what do you think about spiders?" A monotone voice asked.

"I dont hate spiders sir, but i dont love them either. I have respect for spiders especially Claude Faustus. He is great sir, his slim body, beautiful eyes, and sexy glasses. Claude is amazing all around." I answered.

"Wait. You have respect for a butler?" The male voice asked confused.

"Yes if i could i would kiss him because of his serpent like tongue. But he wouldnt due to him being a good mannered butler."

"Well you have quite a way with words young lady."

I heard the man walk behind me. He started untying me from the ropes. I fell to the ground not knowing how close i was. The man picked me up with his gloved hands. I put my hands around his neck, he put one hand around my waist, and then one on my cheek.

"How would you feel about Claude kissing you?" The man asked

"I would love it deeply." I answered.

I felt the man get closer to where i felt his breath. The figure gently placed his lips on mine. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I allowed not wanting to get killed. His tongue slipped in and explored until it shot back out.

"Stay still." He commanded with concern.

He walked away heading to the door. I heard the light switch flip on. HOLY FLIPPIN SHIT! The man was Claude. The butler walked back over to me. His golden eyes just stared at me.

"Ok i felt something weird in your mouth. Just lay on the bed and open your mouth." He commanded

I went over, layed on the bed, and he left the room. Where is he going? That was shotrtly answered by loud crying. Claude got fricken Alois. Does he know how hard it is for that brat to sleep?

"Meredith! Im coming!" Yelled the blond slamming the door open.

He came over, still shirtless, crying besides me. Okay i know im not dying or Claude would just eat my soul.

"Meredith you have been marked by an angel. This might be painful, but i have to rip the mark off. So Alois is here to comfort you." Claude explained.

"Its alright. I promise you can pass out in my arms. I will hold you will you sleep tonight. I love you." The earl said holding my hands on the bed.

Alois was at the top of the bed holding my wrists down. Claude well he is going to be kicked later how he is. The butler was straddling my waist. The demon pushed up his glasses, took off his glove with his teeth, and put it near my face. I opened my mouth and closed my eyes. I felt his slim flingers go to the back of my mouth and hit a sore spot. All i could feel was pain, the taste of blood, and the hand pulling out. Claude is still on me after this was done. I look back at Alois about to murder Claude for how he is sitting. The earl let go of my wrist so i could push his butler off. But i kicked him off. Claude landed on the floor with a thud. I got up and with all my might i kicked him in the balls.

"Nice job love!" Alois said.

"Can i sleep now?" I asked.

He just nodded as i left the room. I had plans for today and Alois was excited. Im taking him to the pool.

~Alois's pov~

I nodded and she went to her bed. I walked over to Claude lying on the floor.

"You found me! I have plans for you" i told him.

"Yes young highness?" He asked

"We are going to a pool later today." I said


After i talk with Claude i head back to Meredith's room. I look to see her sleeping on the floor. Awe shedidnt make it to her bed. I saw her bunny a few feet away. I walked over and grabbed it. When i got back to Meredith i see Claude in the doorway.

"Claude. Im going to watch television. Can u hold Meredith until she wakes up?" I asked

"Yes your highness" he responded.

I was about to walk over when i forgot about her bunny. I ran back to my butler. He was now holding Meredith in his lap on the floor cradling her.

"She needs this." I said handing Claude the bunny.

He put it in her gentle arms. I walked out of the room waving goodbye.

~Claude's pov~

My master left me with his love. I put the bunny in her arms. The blond then hugged onto it. I placed her head in the crook of my neck, my chin on her head, and put my arms around her. The master's girl was asleep in my lap. I enjoyed her company and warmth. I closed my eyes to feel even more comfortable than before.

"I hope to see you around the estate. I know i will. The future Meredith Trancy. You are a keeper." I whispered in her ear.

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