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~Meredith's pov~

My aunt owns a pool which means i take Alois plus Claude there.  Claude will make it awkward because he will be in his uniform. It makes me happy to see the earl spend time with his butler.

"Okay guys! We're here!" I exclaimed.

"But Meredith its a funeral home." Alois said

"Just follow me." I instructed.

I led the two to the white gate behind the house. I opened the gate to a gaint in ground pool.

"Wow!" Alois exclaimed 

Then next thing i know the blond is stripping into his shorts. Then i heard a splash. Alois jumped in the water! He emerged from the pool looking at Claude and I. I look back at the butler who is unbuttoning his coat, then his vest, and finally his shirt. He was now left in his long black pant. I was shocked! Claude had flippin abs!  

"Meredith come in!" Alois shouted

The esrl had his arms open wanting me to jump into them. I quickly took of my shirt and shorts to uncover my bikini. I went over to the edge. Alois splashed the water on me.

"That cold!" I shouted at him.

"It wont be if you come in all at once!" He retorted with a wink.

i was confused when i felt arms pick me up. I look to see Claude carrying me to the edge.

"Here you go your highness." The butler said laughing

Claude threw me to Alois, who caught me. I looked at Claude laughing his ass off. The earl let go of me as i swam over to the demon. I gripped onto his ankle, and dragged him into the pool. He stopped laughing , and i started.  Claude grabbed me, looked me in the eyes, and started laughing again.

"Claude! I've never seen you this happy before!" Alois said swimming over to us

All three of us started laughing. Claude grabbed me from behind. I could feel his abs on my back. He was now dragging me to the deep end. Still Alois being himself kept laughing.

"Claude i cant touch the bottom." I said worried.

"I know!"  He responded.

He then turned me around so we are face to face. hey now im his height.

"Take a deep breath." Claude directed.

I did so. He took us under the water. I put my legs around him. He grabbed the back of my head. Our lips met once again. We were now kissing passionately under water. This is amazing! We both needed a breath so we came back up. We looked to see no Alois anywhere. Only a white feather. I picked it up and shot Claude a questioned look.

"I know what happened to him. But you wont believe me." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"He was  taken by an angel. The same who marked you."

"Oh you mean Ash!"

"God this just got alot more difficult. Ash is a fallen angel. A very hard one to catch too. He tortures poor souls."

"Why Alois? I love him!"

I started crying uncontrollably into Claude. He carried me out of the pool. 

"Lets get you changed and also something to eat." He whispered 

I nodded as we walked down the street to my house.


Im now changed in dry clothes that Claude helped me change into awhile ago. Now the butler is cooking me food. I really appreciate him doing this for me. I can only return the favor.

"Im going to go get something." I said.

He nodded. I walked to the locked door, found my hidden key, and unlocked the door. I stepped in quickly and locked the door behind me. I turned on the light. This is my art room. No one can come in here because all i paint is Black Butler characters. I walked over to the one i just finished of Claude. I grabbed the painting, wrapped it in tissue paper, and put a bow on it. I unlocked the door, quickly got out, locked it again, and hid the key. I walked to Claude ssitting on the couch waiting for the food to finish.

"Um Claude i have a gift for you." I said  sheepishly.

He patted the spot next to him for me to sit. I did so. When i sat down and held out the canvas block wrapped in tissue paper. I was nervous he wouldn't like it.

"Dont be nervous. Im sure I'll like it." Claude said

"But the problem is this was before i met you today." I said

He sighed. The butler started unwrapping the gift. I looked at his face. It was pure shock.

"I love it." He muttered.

"Thanks" i responded 

"Its me! Ive never been treated this nice. Thank you. I really love it Meredith." He said with a genuine smile.

Claude pushed me on my back.  He was now on top of me. The demon came closer to my face, and started kissing my jawline to my collar bone. When he leaned back, he smiled, and went to the kitchen. I looked down to see he left a hickey.

"Damn it Claude!" I yelled at him

"Sorry maybe another time I'll finish. You need to eat so we can look for my master." He said happy with himself.

The butler brought over mac and cheese. My favorite! Okay i kinda forgive him. But we do need to find Alois. It didnt take me long to finish my food.

"Holy shit. You eat fast! Did you even taste it?" He asked playfully.

"Yes i did. My family is known for eating fast." I answered 

"Well when we finish next time. Make sure you savor every minute." He said suggestively 

I blushed at his remark. Claude smiled, pulled me into  his lap, and started kissing me like last time. He chuckled at my blush.

"You're going to savor me more than you ever will." Claude said with his hot breath while nibbling on my ear.

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