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~Claude pov~

Whrn all the girls woke up i told them about our plans. They wanted to get away from this place too. I will be going to their houses to transport them to the estate. Right now im helping Meredith pack up everything. But i have to ask about the art. 

"Hey Meredith what about all your art?" I asked

"Oh yea. Well you see thats a weird answer. I guess we can hang them all over your room and the estate. Plus i have a few for Sebastian, Ciel, and Grell." She said

"Can we put them in groups to transport?" 

"Yea just we have to go to my art room though."

"Okay. Lets go."

"But dont be freaked out when you go in."

We walked to her art room. She unlocked it. Holy shit! Why is it all us?! I walk over to a rather large but questionable one. I pick it up and examine it. The black and red together.

"CLAUDE PUT THAT DOWN!" she yelled

"Why?" I asked

"I know you're going to laugh at it!"

"I am not!"

"Keep telling yourself that."

"Who is this going to? Im curious about that."

"Sebastian. Now who do you think?" 

"No need for sarcasm."

"Grell you idiot."

"Makes sense. They are kissing in it. Damn thats accurate!"

"If only i could see this happen."

I couldn't help but laugh. I want to see Sebastian actually do that. I would die laughing even more. We put them in piles for Grell, Ronald, William, Sebastian, and Ciel. I transported the paintings to the correct people. If only i ccouldn't have seen all the paintings of Sebastian and Grell. Disturbing as hell!


Ive sent all the girls to the estate with their necklaces. Now time to take Meredith herself. I sent all her stuff to my room even that beautiful snow globe. I made sure I sent that wrapped in layers of bubble wrap and towels in a box. Only one box left. It had all these pictures in it and a plaster paw print. I see Meredith hold the urn. I turn to her. She nods. All i have to do is...


Everything is white. I grabbed Meredith's hand before the light surrounded us. I held on until the light disappeared. Before we knew it we were back at the estate.  Meredith walked over to my little table. She put down the urn and put the pictures around it. She looked at me and smiled with tears in her blue eyes.

"Can i see Alois?" She asked

"Well you can but he isnt here." I said

"Where is he?"

"I sent him to the Phantomhive Manor."

"Lets go!"


Before we left i grabbed a big black box. Hehehe. Sebastian ready to be shocked? I told Hannah and the triplets about the girls. They all separated to each girl. Now to go find Alois.


Alright we finally made it. Im trying not to die laughing. I cant wait to see Sebastian open it. MMeredith runs to the door with me behimd her.

"Whats in the box?" She asked

"A gift for Sebastian." I said

"Will Alois remember me?"

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