Sibling Bonding

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~Meredith's pov~

School started early September. Its now November .  My brother was a lover for art and i was the artist in the family.  He helped me enroll for an art academy at a choice school. I got accepted into the academy.  its been a rough time.  i havent been to England for about to months. Ive been alone .Alois cant stay, Claude is by his side, my friends have jobs, and my brother is always busy. I havent seen them all in 2 months. Today im outside during my lunch block. I dont know what im feeling but im not homesick. My home is here in this world. But i do miss the others. This isnt the same without them.

"Meredith? Whats wrong?" Harleigh asks

"Nothing. Why?"

"You seemed to be crying. I dont like when people cry." 

Funny. Reminds me of Claude. He never liked it when i cried.

"I just miss my other home."

"Other home?" Harleigh asks

"Yeah. Back in England with my brother, boyfriend, and best friend."

"You have a  boyfriend?" Anna asks

"Mhm. His name is Alois Trancy."

"Nice imagination! You're such a weeb!"

"I guess you could say that."

We continued to talk. I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was a teacher.

"You're Meredith right?" She asked

"Yup thats me."

"You have an early dismissal. Your brother is here to pick you up."

"Thank you."

I got up, waved to my new friends and went to the main office. I walked in. My brother was not there. What kind of cruel joke is this?

"Ms . Meredith. You're brother is outside of the school. Aleistor Chamber right?" The secretary asks.

"Yes ma'am."

"Well have a good day. "

"Thank you."

I walk outside to see a blond wearing all white. 

"If we are going home lets go." I said

I got ready to head to England. To my surprise we weren't.

"We are staying here for a few days. I just wanted to support my sister while she is on her artistic journey."

Yup its him. He hasnt changed. We got into his white car and started driving. Why cant we go back to England right now. I miss Alois and Claude. We got to my house. I took out the keys and unlockeed it. I walked in with my brother following. I stilll dont understand why arent we going to England. I fell onto my knees. Holding my hands in fists on my thighs.  I felt a pair of warm arms slip around me. 

"Im here. Calm down. Im here." He whispered in my ear.

"I just want to go home Dru."

"You still remember the nickname you gave me?"




"Come in" a male voice said

I opened the door and came in. I closed the door to his study. 

"So what does it say?" He asked

I pulled papers out of my bag. I handed them to him.

"Here you go Lord Druitt." I said

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