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~Claude's pov~

I saw Meredith fall to the ground after killing Ash. I don't know why  her friends are fangirling over me. Well except one she could care less. 

"I dont need you ladies to get in trouble for this killing.  If you wouldn't mind, i would go back to school. I'll get you out of your detention." I told them

They agreed to that. The four started walking. I waved at them.

"Bye Claude!" They yelled at the end of the side walk.

I ran to them. I had to tell them something.

"I'll see you girls later." I said with a wink.

The blond one rolled her eyes. The one with odd colored hair fainted. The other two caught her. I got a kick out of their reactions. Time to get back to Meredith. I walked back to her body. I notice she isnt moving.  Shit! She blacked out. I need to get her inside. 

"Hope you're not out for to long." I said.

I picked her up in my arms. I walk in the house and put her on the couch. I make sure its comfortable for her. I walk away. Time to clean up this mess outside. I think i will turn this mess into gifts. Im going to put the wings on a wooden plack for Sebastian. A necklace for Meredith and her friends with the fallen feathers. I'll give Ciel the eye as a joke. Ok time to get to work!


I have Sebastian's wings , Ciel's eyes,  and the necklaces done. for a special details i added the names on the necklaces. I had to go through Meredith year book to get the names. 

"Mmmnnn" i heard a sound come from the couch.

She was starting to wake up. I decided to lay with her. I placed her body on mine. Her head was on my chest with her hair spreading all over. I make a hair tie with spider webs. I put her hair in a ponytail.  I saw her phone on the table. I picked it up to call her friends. Well dont call Michayla she fainted , and not Kiya she didnt care. I found the perfect one to call.

"Hello! How are you? Ready to kiss ass?" The girl asked

"Hello Jackie, this is Claude. Meredith is not awake just yet but i give it 5 minutes. Would you and the girls want to hang out and have dinner over here?" I asked

"Hell yea! What time?  what are we ordering?"

"5 o'clock. I am cooking of course. Im simply one HELL of a cook."

"Alright I'll tell the others! Thanks Claude see you then."

"Bye m'lady."

She hung up the phone. Well this will be a fun night. Let me tell you her friends were great at lunch. I look at Meredith who is starting to wake up. She blinks her blue eyes a ccouple times. 

"Claude?" She asks

"Yes?" I ask

"How long was i out?" 

"Not long" 

"You're so soft. I just want to stay on you forever."

"Well for a little longer. We are having your friends over for dinner and to hang out."

"Alright then"

"Id like to say thank you for helping me get down from those chains. For a change someone saved me.   Thank you. I will say that everyday to you."

Meredith nodded and started tearing up. I took off my gloves for a change. I cupped her cheeks in my hands. I wiped away her tears gently. She put our foreheads together. Then she lightly put her lips on mine. I kissed her back. I felt bad for her losing the one she loves.  I pulled back and touched her nose. 

"Alright go get changed." I said helping her up.

"You cant wear that either." She said.

I was dragged upstairs by her. I had bought clothes from the mall one day. She picked out black jeans, a grey v-neck, and my purple belt. She handed me them and she took my glasses off. I chuckled. Meredith put them on herself. I changed infront of her. When i took off my shirt i walked closer to her. She put her hand infront of my abs. I nodded. I felt her soft hands run all over them. It felt so good. Before i got to into that i backed up. I put on my shirt and buckled my belt.

"I need my glasses back." I said.

Meredith got up and put them on my face. She pushed me out of the room. I guess she is changing. I sit against the door.


I felt the floor. She opened the door and i fell back. Of course she started snorting like it was the funniest thing to her. I laughed too. I guess it was pretty funny.  I got up to see she was wearing black jeans, an under armor shirt, a matching purple belt, and a stripped hoodie.

"Shall i start the food?" I asked.

"Hold on" she said.

Meredith grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Now lets go" she said.

We walked down to the kitchen. The door bell rang. Meredith opened the door to a fainted Michayla and Jackie holding her. I laughed. I took Michayla and carried her the couch. I walked into the kitchen to start dinner. I was over hearing their conversation. The door bell rang again. Meredith got up to let Kiya and Abbie in. I'm not sure what they are planning after dinner. I hear somethings but not all.










Dancing! Yay! This will be a great night! Okay dinner is almost ready!

"Dinner is almost done!" I shouted 

The girls took their seats. I placed the food in front of them. Holy shit! They eat so fast.


I cleaned up the plates and the kitchen. I walk over to see the girls plugging in a black box and changing the channel. The screen has a weird boxes on it. Meredith is holding a black remote and Kiya is putting in a disc.

"Claude we are playing just dance. I will explain it to you." Jackie said

I nodded as they loaded the game. There was alot of songs to choose from.

"Alright first round. Claude and Jackie." Abbie said.

Jackie used the remote to pick a song called 'follow the leader'

"Alright Claude get ready." Meredith said as we were in starting position.

The girls had their phones out ready to take pictures. I love this group!

"Ready!" I said to Jackie.

Then it started.

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