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~Alois's pov~

 My body cant move. It hurts everywhere. I cant scream for help, I've been gagged. I can only hope someone is coming for me. I want to be in Meredith's warm arms. Im probably worrying her sick. Im sorry love and Claude to he just found me! Why do they even care for me?






I see a dim light come from the door as it creeks open. I see the silhouette of a man in a suit. It cant be Claude, this would be a record time for him to get me. The man comes closer dragging something on the floor. I dont want to die.


Im terrified of this man. Now he has a fricken whip. This man is just walking around me cracking his whip. Its not hitting me, but soon will be. Im being tortured in a dark room.

"You need to be purified." The voice whispered in my ear sending chills down my neck.


I pull on the chains im locked in to.

"You've made a contract with a dirty demon." 


The pain is unbearable. This is not human strength.

"Say something"



Being hit twice in a row is just cruel.

"Thats right you cant speek. Did i do that to you?"










This is just abuse! Claude is not dirty! He is good for me! 

"Let me help you" 

The man was in front of me. I know he wont help me. Dirty, filthy, cruel human. Burn in hell! Thats when in heard the final....


The man hit me across my chest. The other times is was my back. Everything was sore. I cant feel anything only the hot tears down my face.

"Crying wont help you"

He left the room and locked it. I wish this never happened! But if this didnt happen i wouldn't have meet the love of my life. Meredith, She gives me hope. Ive learned so much from her while Claude was looking for me. Just the other day i got to sing with her.


I woke up one morning to the sound of the piano playing a rather sad song. I walk to the the sound. I also her a voice singing along with it.

"And i...im feeling so small

It was over my head

I know nothing at all

And i...will stumble and fall"

"Dont do that! You're going to get hurt!" I told her

She looked back at me with her blue orbs. Meredith stopped singing and playing. She was shocked i was listening.

"Alois its just a song. Im not actually going to do that." She explained

"Oh. Well i enjoyed listening! I wish i had all the talent you have."

"Come over here" she said while moving over on the bench.

I walked over and sat next to her. I saw sheet music on the piano. Oh! This must be how she knows this song!

"Im going to teach you to sing and play this song. So when you go back to your relm, you can show your guests what you can do." She said with a smile.

She took my hands, placed tmy fingers on the piano keys, and her fingers were on top of mine. She pushed my fingers down as she started singing. This is how I'm going to learn.  The chorus was esay to pick up. This is a sad song, but beautiful like Meredith.


"Say something I'm giving up on you

And I'm sorry that  i couldn't get to you

And anywhere i would've followed you

Say something I'm giving up on you

Say something I'm giving up on you

Say something..." 

I finished and looked at Meredith. My beautiful artist was crying.

"Dont cry. I wont give up on you." I smiled

"I know, byt that was beautiful. I just want you to practice everyday." She said still crying.

I love her so much. I would never give up on her! I would do anything for her. Meredith is my life. I cant lose her to anyone.


I cant give up on her! I will pull through just for my love. I hope Claude will take care of her if i die here.   Hopefully he bought it already. My one hope when we bring her back with us. I will do it during the ball i will plan. Alois just make this out alive!






The door opened again. Damn it! Now he probably has two whips! I closed my eyes ready for the pain to begin again. I didnt hear whips but a loud thud. Then chains being locked again. Is he putting another person with me. The man walked near me. I felt him take my gag off. All my spit ran down my mouth that was collecting.

"You now have someone to talk to brat." He spatted at me as he locked the door.

"Alois?" A voice asked

"Yes?" I responded 

"Meredith is left alone."


"Your highness. Im sorry."

"I love her! How could this happen? Where were you?"

"She was at school when Ash got me."

"Oh hell! Its Ash Landers."

"Im afraid so young highness"

"Hey Claude?"

"Yes i found it. When we get back are you planning to do it at the ball?"


"She must me dear to you."

"She is Claude. She means everything to me. When we kill Ash i plan to take her on a romantic walk."

"Your highness, thats very kind. When we get out i plan on taking us back to the estate."

I nod.  We now both are chained up waiting to get whipped by Ash. If only Meredith was here i would tell her how much she is to me.


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