Chapter 3: If I could turn back time

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Chapter 3: If I could turn back time

I walked through the crowd hallway. I wanted to avoid crowds, in case I would come across someone whom I was not ready to see. But that was the only way I could get to my next class. I lowered my head and quickly walked on. I almost wanted to run but I do not want any attention to be on me. I have been feeling nervous and insecure since I was back in school for the past month.

When I turned the corner, I bumped into the one person who I was avoiding. I gasped, looking at that handsome and tall man. He adjusted his glasses and looked surprised when he realised who he had bumped into.

"Alysa! I didn't expect to see you again. It's been months.. How are you?"

I could feel anger seeped in. "It's none of your business. You wasn't interested to know back then, so why should you be interested to know how I'm doing now?"

I clenched my fist, trying to calm myself. I remember what Amanda used to say to me.

"Even though I'm non-islam, you should know that your religion forbids anger. You must learned to control your anger."

I tried to walked away but Iman grabbed my hand. I pulled my hand but his hold was tight. I never like how he grabbed me like he owns me.

"Listen. It's not that I'm not interested, but..."

"But what? You don't believe it's yours. You rejected my calls. You ran from me when you saw me. Your mum slammed the door in my face. Your dad called me a whore. And all you did was disappear. So let go of my hand and stay away from me."

I pulled my hand and pushed him aside so I could get to my next class. I sat on my usual seat once I reach the half empty class. My heart felt the pain. I tried to control my sadness but a sob escaped my mouth. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and count to ten.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Amanda taking a seat next to me. She put a soothing hand on my shoulder with a questioning look. I shooked my head and dropped my head on the table.

"What's wrong?"

"I bumped into Iman," I whispered, still heads down.

Amanda bring her head closer to mine and I could feel her warm breath in my ears. "I'm not going to ask you much. But if you're willing to open up and talk, you know I'll be here for you."

I know she would be so I put into details for her. She shooked her head in disbelief.

"Sometimes I can't believe that Iman would do this to anyone. He looked so innocent and shy. But I saw him that night. The way he was dancing and drinking with you. I tried to stop you from going home with him, but you wouldn't listen. I'm at fault partly because I didn't try hard."

I sighed. "It's my fault, not yours."

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