Chapter 16 : New Home (Iman's POV)

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Chapter 16 : New Home (Iman's POV)

When I woke up, I found myself in an unfamiliar room. My bed was soft yet the one that I lay on was as hard as a rock. I could feel the thin mattress behind my back. There was a loud creak when I sat up from my laying position. The bed frame was made of cheap wood. If I were to put on weight, I swear the bed would collapsed.

As I looked around the room, I realized that I was not in my own bedroom. The walls were of dirty white. There was a small cupboard and a small desk next to the bed. I swear I just saw two cockroaches run past the floor. Instantly I held up my feet off the floor. I shuddered. I hate cockroaches. Out of all the insects, I hated the cockroaches the most. Those brown thing with feelers and some of them can even fly.


I quickly grabbed my towel from the hanger behind the door and quickly get out of the room. I saw the owner of the house with his pregnant wife in the living room getting ready to go for work. Their 4 years old son and 3 years old daughter pushing each other trying to get out of the house first. They were pratically screaming at each other.

I saw Jamie grabbed her husband's bag from the old love seat and handed it to him. She saw me with my towel and smiled. "Good morning! We were about to leave for work. We'll be sending the kids next door. So you won't have to bother taking care of these devils."

I smiled. Jamie was exquisitely beautiful. She have a heart-shaped face with large brown eyes and dainty sharp nose. And when she smile, men fall at her feet. The men in the neighbourhood would oogled at her. And the women would get furious for all the attention she gets.

But she was always the talk of the neighbourhood. They would gave snide remarks about her husband, for he was a poor man and could not afford to work hard labour becauseof his back problems. Her husband, Frank, was hit by a car once and his spine almost crack. The doctor had made an x-ray for him and concluded that the spine is bent sidewards. He was unable to perform heavy jobs. So he had to quit his construction work because of the heavy loading and unloading and moving of heavy bricks and cements. Now he work at the local shop nearby in Chinatown, while Jamie had to wash dishes in a restaurant. Their pay was not much to afford the little children's needs, so that's the reason why they rent one of room out.

I looked at the hardships this family gone through and was relieved that my life was not that bad. But looking at the situation now, I might as well admit myself as a poor man.

I left home because someone had send a photo of me with Alysa and Erma together to Mummy. She was so pissed off that I were given a tight slap on the cheeks. It still stung when I remember the incident. Mummy then warned me to never talk to Alysa or Erma ever again.

But I could not bring myself to agree with her this time. I was tired of doing things Mummy wants me to. I felt so guilty for leaving Alysa to deal with the pregnancy alone. When Mummy found out about the pregnancy, she literally kicked Alysa and Amanda out. My sister, Isabella had just got back from school when she heard shouts from the living room. She was shocked to see the two girls being dragged by the hands by Mummy. Mummy ignored her questions and just simply shut the doors in front the two girls face.

I sighed as I pick the soap from the bathroom sink. As I shower, I remember last week when I saw the other man. Amir Shah was a very nice man. He helped me even though they were strangers. I could see from his face, he was a genuine person. He smiled at everything and everyone. I wonder if he ever had any problems, because his face was so peaceful. He and Alysa looks so compatible together. I could not help feeling a wee bit jealous, but I know Alysa likes him. From the look of her face. She glowed when Shah speak to her or to her mother. She smiled and laughed. Like how she was before that night.

As soon as I get dressed, I grabbed a cup of latte at Starbucks and went to work. I desperately wanted to call in sick but I had so much work to be done.

Life can change in an instant. One minute I was living luxuriously, another minute I live in a small rented room in the middle of Chinatown. How nice.

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