Chapter 12 : Dilemma

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Chapter 12 : Dilemma?

As I look up, I saw the very familiar face. He was definitely not the one I wanted to see now. I looked away as I stirred my ice green tea. I could feel his eyes bore in my head. I wonder what makes him come up to me.

The next moment he was in the seat opposite of me. The instant he put his butt down, Erma cried. Erma must have sense his unwanted presence. Or rather my uneasiness. I plopped Erma in my laps and soothed her down. It was not difficult - I just shoved the pacifier in her mouth and a rattle in her hands. She started rattling. I sweared the whole Mcdonalds were irritated by the noise made by the rattle. I was not one bit ashamed, unlike this man in front of me.

He showed his annoyance real well. It was very clear. What a father!

"Who gives you the permission to sit at my table?"

"Sorry but others are taken. And clearly you're alone and she sits on your lap." He shrugged like it was not a big deal. He cleared his throat. "So this is the baby? Our baby?"

I could feel anger bubbling up. "It's really none of your concern."

Iman raked his already disheveled hair. "Look! If it wasn't for my mother and her stupid plans, I would... Believe me, I would want to look after you and her. It's just.."

"Save it. I do not need to know. Moreover it was my mistake too. I shouldn't have just follow you like a lost puppy."

"Alysa.. I like you. I like you since I first laid eyes on you. But you were not interested. You pushed me away. Until that night. You actually wants me."

I shooked my head to clear away all memories. "I told you. I was drunk. We were drunk. We made a stupid mistake. But that does not mean you have the right to come back after months of disappearance and said you like me."

"I have the right. That is my child."

I pushed my hair out of my eyes and snorted. "Now you wanted to care for your child? I don't remember you been all excited when you first found out?"

Iman sighed. "I'm sorry. I really am. Please. I'll make it up to you. Give me a chance. I'll promise I'll be a good father."

I sipped my green tea and handed Erma a french fries. I had personally asked for fries without salt so Erma could munch on it. "Do you want to sit with that man?"

Erma looked at me, confused. She looked at the direction of my pointed finger, and saw Iman smiling at her. Shockingly, she held up her hands towards him with rattle in one hand and fries in another.

"Can I?" Iman asked at me, his eyes were delighted to see this cute little child actually wants him to carry her.

"Sure," I shrugged. I was disappointed that Erma did not rejected him and I can't say no since it was her who held up her hands.

I handed Erma to him. He was awkward at first but once he knows how to hold properly, he was like a pro. I was surprised at how easy for him to get along with Erma. He coo-ed at her and Erma giggled at him. I longed for that fatherly affection. I never had one, and I wanted so much to give it to my own daughter. Afterall it was not her fault, it was mine and Iman's.

Maybe I should give it a try. But...

What if his family can't accept Erma as easily as Iman?

What if one day Iman walk away like he did before?

What if I walk away?

Suddenly, I remember Shah. How happy he was when he was with us. His smile. His eyes. His laughter. His everything. He made me laughed genuinely. He made Mama laughed too.

I couldn't think straight. I do not know what should I do. I can give this a chance. But I can give that a chance too. I mean it doesn't really matter who the father is. Right?

I snapped out of my stance. I watched how Erma hugged Iman, yawning.

Frankly, I was worried. I worried if Iman walked away after I give him this chance. I worried for Erma. Will she blame me for her life?

Iman placed Erma carefully in the stroller. Erma's eyes was getting heavier and soon, she falls asleep.

"Alysa. You are strong to have gone through all these by yourself. I'm really sorry for all that has happen. If you do not want to accept me in your life, it's fine. But at least let me in hers. She needs a dad."

I sighed. "Fine. But I'm telling you this now. I do not want her to find you gone one day. I made a promise not to leave her. Which I don't expect you to do the same. But think of her feelings, if not for me."

Iman grinned, and I know I made another mistake.


Hey! I'm trying my best to update as much as possible. It might be a boring story.. But I try to spice things up ya. :)

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