Chapter 10 : The Beginning of Something Sweet

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Chapter 10 : The Beginning of Something Sweet

"So Shah. If I were to renovate my new upcoming house, can I ask for your service?" Rilla's elder sister, Melati asked.

"Yes sure. I'll give you my namecard and you may contact me. You wanted to renovate the whole house?"

"Not quite. Just the kitchen, the restrooms and the living room. We wanted an open concept kitchen. Something modern."

"I'll see to that. In fact, we are having a promotion for renovation on kitchen and restrooms."

I listened attentively to Shah as he explained about his work to my cousins. My cousins are 90% women. The only man there is Melati's husband. And that man does not talked much. All he did was eat and eat and eat. So Shah have to mingle with the ladies. And the ladies seemed to love him. Maybe it was his sincere smile.

I stood up to get some cakes for myself.

"Dear, where are you going?" Shah indicated to me. I turned to face him. All eyes were on me.

"Getting cakes."

"Can you get me some please? And drink too." He passed me his empty cup to be refill.

I raised my eyebrows at him but he already turned his attention to the ladies. He must think that I'm a servant. I looked around at mum. She was sitting with the aunts quietly. She must be wanting to leave now. But we just got here an hour ago.

I went to the dessert table and get some swiss rolls and 2 mini cupcakes. I filled Shah's cup with fruit punch and seated beside him. I placed the plate in front of us and handed his cup to him.

"Thank you my love." He smiled his charming smile.

While talking, he reached for a cupcake and ate it. Before I could have mine, he reached out for the second one. I looked at him in aghast. He must have notice me, he faced me with the cupcake in his hand.

"Do you want this?"

I shooked my head. "It's ok. You can have it. I'll get more."

"I'm sorry dear. I love chocolates. And these cupcakes are really nice."

"I'm fine. Eat up."

He shooked his head. "No no. You have it. Come I'll feed you."

He placed the cupcake near my mouth and waited for me to have a bite. My cousins are all waiting for me to respond. I tried to take the cupcake but Shah insisted on feeding me. I opened my mouth and took a small bite. The girls seemed to be envious of me. Shah indicated to me to finish the cupcake. I did.

"Aww.. In my 2years of being husband and wife, my husband never feed me like that. He rather put food in his own mouth than mine." Melati complained. "You should be glad to have a romantic husband."

I wanted to roll my eyes at her but I did not. Then Erma woke up and wailed. I quickly carried her and soothed her. She looked at my eyes in awe. Suddenly Shah came up to me. He wanted to carry Erma as well. I let him for I do not want our act to give way.

He played with her. Tickling her and talking gibberishly at her. Erma laughed. It was a sight that melts my heart. Erma never had a fatherly figure since she was born. She was surrounded only by her mother and her grandmother.

I saw Melati looked our way. She seemed sad. She must be filled with jealousy because her husband do not bother when their baby girl cried. But she have no idea behind all these pretense, Erma had to grow up with no father.

"I love you little cutey girl."

My heart skipped a beat when I heard those words from Amir Shah to my daughter. Is that an act too?

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