Chapter 15 : Biggest Mistake (Iman's POV)

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Chapter 15 : Biggest Mistake

Iman's POV

I paced back and forth thinking of yesterday event. I did not realise my mistakes. I should not have been drinking. Mummy always reminded me not to drink. But I was pressurized by peers. They said it was a once in a lifetime experience.

However, that once in a lifetime experience lead to another disaster.

I wanted to know her. To be friends with her. "That's impossible," as what her friends used to tell me. I remember asking for a friend's help to ask for her phone number. But I was rejected solely because she was too wild for me. "A person's character or attitude can be change if guided properly." I had replied.

But a girl with pierced nose laughed at me. "Alysa do not have such low taste."

Yesterday night, I saw her with her friends, dress extremely sexy. I could not deny she was gorgeous. I had said hi to her and trying to get her attention but her friends were all over her. I was being ignored by her circle of friends, including her. I was quite disappointed by her ignorance towards me.

I looked myself in the mirror in the bathroom. This person in the mirror is someone whom I never knew before. I am so used to my glasses, the blue contacts make me feel uncomfortable. It was a gif from a friend. She said, "You look handsome without your glasses. I bought these for you."

I did not expect her to bought it for me. I remember she asked a few questions about my degree and such. Now I know her purpose.

Then drinks started coming in. Classmates started drinking. It was my first time afterall. I did not expect the vodka was too much for me. But I did not stop. I brought myself to Alysa, hoping this time she realized that I exist. I asked for her name, even though I've already knew. And she accepted my request to dance. I was very happy and excited that she acknowledged me. We got too caught up with the liquor and the dirty dancing, that I did not remember my questions to her.

The next thing I know I was in the car driving back home with her in the passenger seat. And surprisingly, I was able to focus on my driving. Maybe I was scared of getting into an accident. Then Mummy would know that I had liquor.

Then everything went blurrish. I remember taking her clothes off and unhooking her bra. But I could not remember everything else until the next day.

I woke up with a bad headache. I panicked when I saw Alysa next to me and realized what we had just did. Our clothes were all over the bedroom. I swear if Mummy was home, I'm dead.  

As I paced back and forth in the living room, I wonder if I had let it out or in. I could not bring myself to think the possibility of having a wedlock child. I know Mummy will throw me out if it ever happen. I sat on the couch and raked my hair backward. 

"I'm so sorry Alysa. I do not know what come over me. I'm so sorry," I sobbed.

Then I decided to leave the house. I could not bring myself to face her. I wrote her a note and left the house without locking the door.

I need coffee.


Hey all.. It's been some time. Well, I'm gonna write a few more chapters in Iman's POV.. You'll see what happen to him when Alysa finds out that she's preg..

Do vote or comment ya.. Thanks! Enjoy!

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