Chapter 5: You Have My Heart

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Chapter 5: You Have My Heart

"Alysa.. Have you think about it yet?"

My mum have been pestering me since the day I told her that I would like to keep the pregnancy. Even though she was very disappointed and angry, yet she accepted the pregnancy and treat me like how a pregnant woman should be treated. She never treat me any differently. Maybe because I was her only child and she have no one else except me.

My mum was an only child too. So she have no siblings. Her parents died in a car accident when she was 15 years old. An unmarried aunt of hers took her in and treat her like her own child. When my mum started working at 22 years old, her aunt passed away due to brain tumor. So she was all alone. Lonely and sad until she found my dad. They got married after just knowing for a year. But her happiness was not long. My dad died while in a car accident while rushing to the hospital to witness the childbirth of their firstborn. I never get to see my dad.

But my mum was a strong person. Despite being alone, she manage to put food on the table for me & her. She was a great mother.

I remember when I told her that I got myself pregnant, her face dropped. She was in state of shock that she was not able to speak for the next 5 minutes. She just sat there with white pale face. She must be thinking on how to react. When she speak, she asked if I was going to keep it. My answer was yes. She shook her head while holding her chest.

"Why do you have to do this to me?"

I sat there in tears. I have hurt her. "I'm very sorry mum. I didn't expect this to happen."

She just stood up and walked away.

After that day, she talked and treated me like I had never told her anything. And she will always try to provide me with nutritious food. "This is good for the baby."

However, every now and then she will suggest adoption for the baby to me. She will get some adoption center numbers and put it on my desk for me to call. But I never call them. I will just put it in my drawer.

As my tummy gets bigger, I grew fond of little babies. I watched youtube on babies. How to breastfeed a baby. How to change a diaper. What are the possible problems that may occur. When I saw baby clothes, I could not resist buying them. I was very excited about having a baby. Even though I was not married and the man responsible was not interested.

I did received a few glances in my way at school. But I just ignore them. A classmate did commented that I was putting on weight. I just smiled.

"So?" Mum prompted me again.

"No mama. I want to keep her. She's mine."

Mum sighed. "I know it's hard to let go. But you need to think of the consequences. Of your future. Her future. I can hide myself from your father's family. But how do you want to hide your child from your future husband's family?"

I shook my head. "If my future husband wants to marry me, he needs to know that he is not only accepting me, but my child as well. And so does his family. I love Erma. I'm not giving her up. She belongs to me."

Mum looked at me with a strange look.

"What is it mama? You seem to be hiding something from me."


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