Chapter 22 : And I Pronunce You..

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Chapter 22 : And I Pronunce you..

As I step in the room, the foul smell enter my nose even though I had wear a mask as required by the attendants. There was a body that was covered by a white sheet. I followed the investigation officer and an attendant to the body.

"We need your verfication that this is the person who had allegedly rape you."

I gulped at the word rape. I nodded to the investigation officer so they can proceed to open the sheet. The attendant slid open the cloth over to his shoulder and move aside so I could get a better view. I gasped.

Tears starting rolling down my cheek. I hold to my sling arm that supporting my dislocated shoulder. I shut my eyes and open them again.

Iman face was badly disfigured. They had him stitched up but the face was hardly recognisable. Despite turning my head away, I could still see images of Iman's face. The hospital had told me that his body was badly crushed and that his organs and body parts were all over the place.

I shuddered at the thought of liver and body parts all over the road. A chill ran down my spine and I told the officer that I wanted to leave. Once outside of the mortuary, I pulled the mask away for fresh air. I turned to the officer and nodded.

"Yup. That's him."

After the report is done and all charges were drop, Shah bring me out for a date. He brought me to eat at Burger King and catched a movie. After the movie, we went to the beach. He brought me to a waterbreaker and we sat there in silence.

There were stars in the sky and the air was chilly. I was wearing a short sleeved shirt and jeans and had left my sweater in the car so I folded my arms in from of my chest, shivering.

Shah must have realised me shivering. He was wearing a long sleeved shirt and he did not bring his jacket along too. Instead he stretched his arm around my shoulders and rubbed his hand on my arm. I tried to move away for I know he must be feeling awkward holding me in like this. But he insisted.

"I'm fine. You are cold. Afterall we are going to be husband and wife."

I lifted my head to face him. He had not mention anything about the wedding since that horrible night. I had thought he were going to change his mind about marrying me. He looked at me, smiling.

"You thought I change my mind, did you?"

I nodded, afraid to say anything. I looked into the dark blue sea and sighed. I was feeling sad and ashamed. I had avoided his looks recently, but he was always watching me and smiling at me. 

"You should. I'm not a virgin anymore Shah. I don't know what you see in me that made you want to marry me. I am dirty."

Shah hold my hands in his big warm hands. This is the first time he did so and it feels nice. I sighed inwardly. "Alysa. I love you. I don't care about your past. You are a strong and patient woman. And despite everything you had gone through, you never back down. You strive for a better change. You tried to make amends for Erma. As for Iman, I saw you had forgiven him for his sins. And I have to admit, if it was me, I would never have forgiven him."

"Iman is gone. He should be rest in peace. I should forgive him.'

Shah nodded. "You are the most awesome woman I had known. I could never find anyone who is as strong as you. You are just the perfect woman to be my wife. Please accept me as your husband."

My eyes were brimming in tears. I had never heard anyone say those things to me. I was moved by his kind words. My heart was jumping for joy and I felt a tug at the corners of my mouth.

"You know, I can't explain how happy I am to have met you. You are one of the reasons why I smile again. And I don't deny that I have fallen in love with you. So yes, I will be your wife."


Yes. I know this is a sudden ending. But I will write an epilogue next.

Hope you had enjoy this book. It's not that great bcoz it was just a rush to write this story as I had lots of work and my baby is growing. So ya.. This is the end.

Had an idea on my next book. But will not be so soon.

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