Chapter 9: I Think I Like Him

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Chapter 9: I Think I Like Him

So I decided to finally meet him. Amir Shah. I could not remember him as a character. But I remember he was quite good-looking, although he was quite dark-skinned. He likes to keep his hair neat. And he was quite well-built. He seemed to be the perfect man, physically.

I waited at starbucks for almost half an hour for his appearance. And when he finally arrives, I could not keep my eyes away from his face. He had the most soothing face and when he smiles, my heart skipped a beat. He was the most handsome person ever. I could not remember he being this gorgeous. He had a plain black shirt and a pair of faded jeans. And he wears a pair of adidas high cut sneakers. He definitely knows how to dress up.

He greeted me with salam. I was quite shocked for nowadays people do not greet each other with salam, they greet each other with hi.

"Wa'alaikumsalam." I replied, nervous.

"I'm sorry I was late. Traffic jam." He casually sit on the seat opposite of me. "So have you eaten?"

I was too nervous to eat. "No. I was waiting for you." I answered, flipping my handphone shut.

"Should I order some food before anything? I'm famished."

I nodded. "Just a sandwich will do. Thank you."

He raised his eyebrow. "That's all? You sure?"

I nodded again. "And chocolate frappe."

He left the table and went on to the counter to order.

I quickly flipped open my handphone and texted to my mum.

~He's here. And he actually looks very charming. :) ~

I smiled sheepishly to myself and look over at Shah. He was looking at the menu with a finger on his chin.

~I hope things work out well today. Remember our plan.~

I sighed. Yes the plan. Mum and me decided to asked for Shah's permission to become my pretend husband for the time being. We have to go to the party. Mum said it's not nice to not go when someone invited us. So I agreed.

I had called Shah up the next day and asked to meet up. He did not ask me anything. He agree so quickly. But I doubt if he will agree to our plan.

"So how is everyone?"

I looked up to the charming face. I smiled. "Everyone's doing fine."

"Your child?"

I did not expect him to be so straight-forward. "Yes, Erma's doing good too."

"Ah. Erma. Such a nice name. How old is she?"

"She turning 5 months next week."

"I see. And the father?"

I shrugged and keep quiet.

Shah placed my menu in front of me and his cafe mocha and tuna sandwich on his side. Then he placed the tray on the next empty table.

"Let's eat."

We started to eat and talked abit about his work. Then he started to ask me questions again about my world. I plucked up the courage to ask him to be my husband for the event. And he agreed immediately. I was quite shocked but I was relieved too. And he seemed so nice. I think I like him. Alot.

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