Chapter 17 : Flashback II (Iman's POV)

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Here's a pic of who I think is suitable for Iman.


Chapter 17 : Flashback II (Iman's POV)

After the incident at home, I went to school to find Alysa. I had to apologised on behalf of Mummy. It was wrong to kick her out. She is pregnant, for god's sake. I hope Alysa would forgive me and Mummy.

I tried to search for her in the places where I usually saw her at but to avail. Even her friend, Amanda were not to be seen. I have search for her at the study corner, the library (as Alysa loves to read), the field (where Alysa would lay down and took pictures with her friends), the small corner of the cafeteria (where she likes to have a meal without any disturbance so she can read), and even the restroom (well, I just shouted from outside).

She were not around.

I finally gave up and went up the stairs to my locker, that's when I heard sobbings. I peeked from behind the wall to find Alysa and Amanda sitting on the bench outside in the relax corner. There was no one around except them.

"Come on Alysa, it's not worth it to cry. You said it yourself, it was just a one night stand. So why are you so undecisive?"

One night stand? That's what she thinks? Of course..

Alysa sighed and wiped her tears. "I know Amanda. It's just that how do I face everyone when my stomach is big?"

Amanda gasped, "You mean you wanted to keep it?"

"Of course. Why do you think I was so worried about?"

Amanda shooked her head, her curls dancing on her head. "I'm not trying to make you change your mind, but don't you think you are taking the risk? I mean you still have like 10 months to graduate. And it's our final year. How do you intend to juggle school and a baby?"

"I don't know. But I can try. I mean this baby in innocent. I can't just go for abortion, like everyone is trying to get me to do. I want to keep him.'

I could see Amanda slapped her forehead and chuckled, "You already thinks it's a he? Fine. If you want to keep the baby, go ahead. But I have to remind you, your mum would not like it. Even though I'm a free thinker, I know in Islam it is a sin to have children born out of wedlock."

"It is also a sin to kill an unwanted child," Alysa intervened.

There was an awkward pause.

"How about Iman?"

Alysa rubbed her stomach absent-mindedly and sighed. "I will not bother him. When I told him about it, he was shocked and then he just said sorry and walked away. And his mother kicked us out of the house. I don't think I would want this baby to grow up feeling unwanted in their presence. Let it be. I will handle this myself. Iman was just some guy I got drunk and slept with. I don't need him. And neither does my baby."

I stood there with tears in my eyes. Alysa regarded me like a loser. A jerk. I never wanted this to happen. It was not my intention to hurt her.

I was surprised to find out she was pregnant with my child and I was unable to say or do anything. So I walked away. I have to think of something to explain to Mummy. But Alysa beat me to it. She had came to the house and told Mummy about the night. And that was definitely a wrong move. Mummy was not the type to take it easy. She would go extra lengths to get her way. And she never likes her plan to go haywire.

She had plans for me to study law and wanted me to further my studies later in Madrid. I never like law. I wanted to do something creative. I had a passion for photography and graphics design. But Mummy thinks that I will not make it big. My brother was forced into being a pilot while both of my sisters will be forced to be a doctor. Initially my brother were not too excited to become a pilot as he wanted to be a rockstar. He loves to play guitar and sing, just like Daddy. But he grew to like it. He was happy being a pilot because then he will meet with a lot of pretty air stewardess.

I watched as Alysa and Amanda walked away. I did not have a courage to stop them and tell them the truth. I wanted to have the baby as part of my life too. I wanted to amend my mistakes. But I was scared of rejection. I was a coward. I took off my glasses and wiped it clean.

I was feeling like a douche bag. I don't deserve to be in her life. I looked at the watch and hurried down the hallway. My next lesson will be in 5 minutes. As I get to my locker, I overheard some girls whispered among themselves.

"I think he is the one who made the girl pregnant. I pity the girl. She was such a nice girl. Abit wild maybe, but she was always smiling to me. Now I never see her smile."

"I know. I remember her helping me pick up my books when I accidentally dropped them. And even helped me during those times my ankles were sprained."

"What a jerk. I thought he's a nerd. Never could have imagine him to impregnate someone."

I quickly took out my books and left. I could not handle the gossips. I decided if that is what they think I am, then I'll be that way.

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