Chapter 18 : Flashback III (Iman's POV)

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Chapter 18 : Flashback III (Iman's POV)

Watching Alysa grow was difficult for me. She seemed more distant from everyone else. The only friend who was there for her were Amanda. The rest just treat her differently than before. People started rumours that Alysa was the one seducing me as I was the nerd one. And they started believing in the rumours seeing how seducingly sexy she were that night. I was attacked a few times by Amanda, but I totally disregarded her.

"Iman look at her. She's carrying your baby. Don't you feel anything? Can you at least tell this people the truth? Tell them that it were you and Alysa's mistakes. Alysa did not seduced you. If fact it was you. I was there, I saw everything. You were drunk at that moment."

I ignored her like I always did. I do not want to admit my mistake because it will not make things better. My lecturers were already asking me questions about the rumours. I just told them I have nothing to tell. Of course they talked to Alysa too. Alysa never said much except that it was her mistake and she will take care of it. They were worried if it will be a distraction to her studies, but Alysa convinced them likewise.

I saw Alysa came out of the library with a bulging tummy. I watched her went into the nearby restroom. I have been watching over her silently. Trying to see her progression. And seeing her tummy growing everyday was something else. Sometimes it brought tears to my eyes seeing her from behind walls and unable to support her. I saw her leaving the restroom and walked towards the canteen. I quickly followed her at a safe distance.

She went in the Macdonalds to get herself a takeaway meal and went over to the relax corner to eat by herself. Her friend Amanda were not around as usually she had an extra class on Mondays.

I were longing to approach Alysa when she were alone but I was afraid it will bring more spectulations from the people around. But today I thought what the hell. I feel guilty enough for not supporting her, and I have been avoiding her since day one of her pregnancy. So I plucked out the courage and approached her.

She saw me coming over but she ignored me. I breathe in and out and said hi.

She looked up, lifting those carefully trimmed eyebrows at me.


I sighed. I rubbed my neck and shoved my left hand in my jeans pocket. "Hi Alysa," I repeated.

Still silent.

Alysa stared at her food and started picking at the fries. "What do you want Iman?"

"I'm sorry for being such a jerk. I really am."


I sighed again. I never expect her to just said ok. But then again, what did I expect her to do. She was hurt.

But she would do anything to get back at me, she didn't. Because she is such a patient person. I saw how people gave her the 'look' and she just walked away like she never saw those expressions. There were also some real jerks who asked her to sleep with them. She just walked away, not with embarrassment but with bravery and courage in her eyes. She were mentally prepared for these snide remarks and rude comments. If I were her, I could never bring myself to go to school. But Alysa did.

She was so amazingly brave that I was embarrassed at myself for being a coward. Her carrying my baby was one thing. But her carrying it without a partner and enduring all these pain and consequences alone with determination was another. I found myself falling in love with her even more.

"Anything else?"

I shifted my weight to my other leg. "I just thought maybe we could talk."

Alysa snorted. "Talk. Funny thing you should want to talk with me. An unmarried and pregnant woman. But why? Why Iman? After such a long period of time avoiding me, you finally want to talk. Amanda told me you rejected her requests. So what now? What more do you want to talk about?"

I sat on the bench uncomfortably, knowing well enough all I will get from this conversation were her pouring her built up anger at me. But it was my fault too. My mistake that she have to handle on her own.

"I'm sorry for avoiding you. I have a reason for it. You have met my mum right."

She nodded, chewing on her fries.

"So you have seen her determination. She wanted me to stay away from you. She wants me to focus on my studies. She thinks you're a distraction for me."

Alysa snorted again. "I see. So you're mummy's boy."

I shooked my head. "I get that alot. But I know she means well. She wants her children to grow up successful."

I paused, trying to rephrase my words before I speak. "I wanted to support you in any way. But I can't. I have my family to think of. My family do not want to be in shamed. My father was involved in politic so you must understand where I stand. I'm sorry for getting you in a mess right now. But if there is any way I can help, do let me know. I will try my best to help you. But I can only do it discreetly."

Alysa stared at me. I saw her sadness in her eyes and I could not bear it. I pulled her towards me and hugged her. Then she burst into tears. I stroked her back and tried to hushed her. Alysa pushed me and wiped her tears quickly.

"Ok I get it. Thanks." She quickly cleared the table and throw her leftovers in the rubbish bin and walked away without looking back. And I never stop her.

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