Chapter 14 : Knight in Shining Armor

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Chapter 14 : Knight in Shining Armor

I rushed through my work so I could finish them on time. I had too much work. Been an accountant is really a stressful job. I have not started work yet my desk is full of papers. But I know that it might not be an easy job but I like it. I love numbers. Plus the pay was awesome too. 

I decided to take the taxi home as I know I do not have time to wash up and get ready. I want to look good for my date. I mean it's been a while since last.

When I reach home Mama was bathing Erma. I had told her about meeting Shah today, and she was excited about it too. But she reminded me again and again about my modesty and pride.I had lose it once, so I better be careful around men.

My stomach was grumbled while I had my shower. I had skipped my lunch due to the increasing work and I wouldn't want to be late for my date. After getting ready, I still have 15 minutes to eight.  I had some Milo while waiting for Shah to give me a call.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. I quickly opened the door without peeping through the hole.

"Iman! What are you doing here?"

Iman shifted from one foot to the other. He had his hands in his pockets. "I'm sorry I didn't give you a call. I just wanted to see you. Is your mother around?"

I raised my eyebrows. "Yes. But I was about to go out."

"Oh.. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come over. I just don't know where to go."

"Why? What happen?"

He brought his palm to his face and rubbed his hands together. "My mother kicked me out. I have no one to turn to."

"Your siblings?"

He sighed. "They wouldn't want to anger mum. She is a very demanding person. You should know that now."

I nodded. "So where do you intend to stay?"

He sighed. "I thought you could help me. Maybe I could stay here for a while til I get a rent house or sometime."

"Here?! I don't think that is possible. We are all girls here. Mama wouldn't like it either."

We stood there in silence. I do not know what to think of this. And I do not know how to help either. Suddenly I saw Shah get out from the lift and walking towards us. He had a frowned on his face when he saw Iman.

Iman shifted his backpack from his left shoulder to his right. When Shah stood beside him and said his salam, Iman gave me a quizzical look. Both of the men shooked hands.

Mama must have heard Shah's salam, she stood beside me with Erma in her arms, freshly bathed and clothed. I saw Erma look from Shah to Iman, then she held out her hands towards Shah. Shah carried her and kissed her rosy cheeks. Iman looked surprised but he didn't say anything.

"Alysa, isn't this..." Mama whispered to me.

I nodded. "Iman, this is Shah. Shah this is Iman, Erma's father."

"Oh!" was all I heard from Shah.

I turned to Iman and sighed. "I'm sorry Iman. I wish I could help but it's really not possible."

Iman was about to turn and walk away when Shah stopped him. Shah's hand were on Iman's shoulder and I could see Iman was getting annoyed.

"What's going on? Maybe I can help."

I told Shah about Iman's situation. Shah nodded. "You are lucky man. I happen to have a friend who wanted to rent out on of his room. If you don't mind sharing a bathroom with strangers, I could help you out."

My heart melt when I see how easy Shah took in problems. Another thing I like about him is that he loves helping others. He does not look on the person character or attitude towards others, when someone needs help, he will help. He is such a caring person.

Iman agreed . Mama let him stay over for the night, while Shah called up his friend. They agreed that Iman may move in the next day. Iman thanked Shah profusely. We never really asked Iman on why was he been kicked out. We just do not bother to care that much.

After all that drama, I left the place with Iman playing with Erma and Mama cooking a simple dish for Iman. I get in the BMW car and sighed in relief.

"Are you tired? Do you still want to go for dinner?" Shah asked as he looked at me.

I turned to him. "No I'm fine. I'm hungry waiting for you."

He chuckled and he started the engine.


He glanced at me while driving out of the parking lot.

"You are really my knight in shining armor."

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