Chapter 19 : Surprise!

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Ok so... what do you tink of Iman? Let's get back to Alysa as of now.. Enjoy!


Chapter 19 : Surprise!

I was searching for last year's account for a company when my phone beeped. I glanced at it and saw Shah's name appeared. My heart skipped a beat. Since our dinner last week, Shah have been texting me quite frequently. Every morning and evening he will texted me. But he never call me. He said he was quite busy with designing the interior of a new client's office, and he just texted to check on me. To check if I have eaten or if I was doing well or likewise.

And I was always excited when he texted me. If he did not text me, I will get anxious. But I do not want to make the first move, for it made me look desperate.

Sometimes even though I have a whole lot of work to be done, I could not help myself from thinking about Shah. He gave me something to look forward to, and I could not help thinking if I have fallen in love.

I reached for the phone and slide it to go to the main menu. I tapped on the message icon.

~Assalamualaikum. Miss me? :) I'm leaving my office soon to go for a brief meeting in town. I'll finished around 4pm. I pick you up for dinner? How?~

I almost scream in delight. My heart was dancing in excitement. I nodded to myself and typed.

~Wa'alaikumsalam. Sure. I'll wait for you in the lobby?~

I informed Mama about coming home late and smiled.

"Hey! Why is it that I've been getting this vibe that you are in love?"

I looked up to see my boss holding a stack of papers and a cup. She wiggled her eyebrows at me Before I could say anything, she handed me the cup. At first I thought she was giving me the cup of coffee for me, then she put the papers on my desk and took back the cup from my hand.

"There's a new company that needed our service. They just established last year so they need us to do audit for them. I need you to handle this one. The deadline would be by end of this month."

I looked at her in surprise. End of this month? Which is in two weeks. I sighed inwardly. She kept pushing more companies to me, expecting me to finish them like I was some superman - superwoman in my case. In total I have 10 companies to audit on. It does not help that all of these companies were big corporates. They hold very famous names in the country - some even international. And I was a weakling to say no. No doubt each company pay good money, and I could literally say  I am rich. But on top of everything else, two weeks was not enough time for me to finish it up.

I just nodded. Looks like I have to do some overtime this two weeks.

I did not realise the time as I was to absorbed in my work until my phone rang. I picked it up without looking at the screen.

"So you're ready?"

Oh shoot!

"Where are you? You here already?"

"Yup," he replied popping the P.

"Ok. I'll be down a moment."

I quickly save all my work and shut the computer. As I looked around the messy desk, I sighed. I never leave my desk this messy, but what the hell. There will always be a first time. I grabbed my Gucci handbag and dashed out of the office. As I waited for the elevator, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned.

My boss, Tammy Toh was frowning at me as she juggled between holding a laptop bag and her handbag. "U off so early?"

Early? How late does she wants me to leave?

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