Chapter 8: Drama Mama

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Chapter 8: Drama Mama

Mum got worried when I told her about the incident that afternoon. She keep switching the tv on and off. Her habit when she was in a worried state. She seldom watches the tv anyway.

"What if they were to drop by? They will definitely want to look here and there. Your bedroom obviously is a single woman's room. They will definitely start asking this and that."

I sighed. "This is all my fault. I'll think of something. You don't worry Mama."

"And how are you going to settle this problem?"

Before I could speak, the doorbell rang. Mum looked at me in aghast. She started to panic.

"Mama relax. It could be anyone."

I peeked through the hole and sweared under my breathe. "I told them to call."

"Oh no!" Mum rushed to her bedroom to wear her scarf and closed my bedroom door. She signal me to keep quiet. I sighed.

Mum peek through the hole. "Go away," she whispered.

I giggled as I watched my mum. She was so worry that she did not realized that she wore her scarf backwards. I tapped her shoulder.

"Shhh!" She shrugged my hand off her shoulder.

"Your scarf." I whispered to her and pointed to her head.

The doorbell rang again and again. Mum asked me to peek through the hole and adjusted her scarf. They were about to give up and walked away when Erma wailed. I gasped. They actually heard Erma's crying and started to press the doorbell again. They knocked the door too.

Mum quickly went into Erma's room and try to calm her down.

"Alysa! Its Aunt Ros!"

I sighed. I know we can't hide. I indicate to mum that I am going to open the door before I actually did.

"Hi Aunt Ros! Rilla."

"I keep ringing the bell. Did you not hear it?" huffed Aunt Ros.

"Sorry we were taking a nap."

Aunt Ros folded her arms across her chest. "Aren't you going to invite us in?"

I took my time to open the gate and let them in. "Have a seat."

Aunt Ros and mum greeted and sat opposite each other. Mum had Erma in her arms. She seemed nervous. I excused myself and made some drinks for them. While I was placing the coaster on the table, Rilla stood up and look around the room.

"I didn't see any photos of your husband. Do you have any pictures of him?"

I wished the floor would just open up and swallow me. "He don't like to take pictures."

"Where is he?" Aunt Ros asked.

"He's working." I answered.

"Oh! He's working on a sunday? What does he do?"

I fidgeted, but mum came to my rescue. "He's working in a renovation company. He helps to decorate the house."

"Oh I see."

And then the questions died down. Mum and Aunt Ros talked about old times and gossiped abit about Dad's family. Well, mostly it was Aunt Ros. Mum just listened. And I have to listen to Rilla bragging about herself.

Before they left, they invited me and my invisible husband to their house for Rilla's 25th birthday party. I just nodded.

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