Chapter 7: I Can't Run Away From the Truth

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Chapter 7: I Can't Run Away From the Truth

I was pushing the baby pram around the shopping mall when I came across my dad's eldest sister. She did not recognize me for the fact that we have not met since I was 11 years old. But my face must have a "I am your niece" sentence, she kept looking my way. I tried to avoid her stares as I pushed the pram away from her. Then I heard her shout my name. Yes, she shouted my name so loud that even through the crowd's noise, I bet everyone can hear it. I ignored her and continue to walk away.

Suddenly, I bumped into my aunt's daughter. Obviously she recognize me.

"Hey Alysa! How are you?" Rilla faked her smile and keep looking at Erma. "Your daughter?"

I nodded. Her mother tapped me on my shoulder. I turned and greet her. 

"I shouted your name but you didn't hear me. " She grumbled. "How's your mum?"

I was about to answer when she saw Erma looking up at her. "Eh? Who is this? You're married? And never invite us?"

I swallowed hard and wonder what should I say. "Oh! It's just a small ceremony. I didn't want to make it a grand wedding. We had it at a mosque nearby."

I was cursing myself in my heart, I swear my face grew red.

Aunt Ros scanned my face for the truth - her speciality, for she was a police officer once. She raised her eyebrow showing her doubt. I know if I looked away means I'm hiding something from her, so I looked her straight in her eyes and smiled. She smiled and turned her attention to my daughter.

Erma was not a shy person, so she smiled and laughed. Holding up her hands, she grabbed Aunt Ros' pink pashmina scarf, demanding to be carry. Aunt Ros carry Erma and played with her.

Rilla adjusted her scarf on her shoulder and turned to me. "So when did you get married? The last time I saw you were still schooling. That was a year ago right?"

My heart beat so fast. I wanted to leave as soon as possible but Aunt Ros had Erma in her arms. I have to lie again for the sake of my mum.

"I got married just after I met you. My husband's parents wanted to speed up the marriage to avoid defamation. I'm sorry I didn't invite everyone, because I wanted a very simple wedding."

"I see. So what's your child's name?"


"And your husband's?"

I gulped. I had to think fast. And the only name came across was.. "Shah." Mum's friend's son. Oh my goodness.

Aunt Ros put Erma back in the pram and turned her attention back to me. "We might drop by one of these days. You can't possibly leave us out. You are still my niece. Your dad died, but you and your mum should not hide away from us. We are family."

I feel faint. "Do inform us earlier if you're coming. Wouldn't want you to come to an empty house." I laughed.

With that, we parted ways. I sighed in relieved. But another problem crops up. I just told my aunt that I'm married to a person whom I have not met for 4 years. I have to think of something. I need to tell mum about this. And so I rushed back home with Erma biting her soft rubber toy.


Hey it's been some time since I last updated. I hope you like this chapter. Do vote or comment ya. thanks!

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