Chapter 4: Flashback

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Chapter 4: Flashback

I remember that night.

There was a birthday party at a chalet. Me and Amanda plus a few of friends decided to go since it was just after our 2nd year final examination. We wanted to release all the built-up stress and cleared our mind.

Being a Muslim does not stop me from dressing myself and enjoying myself to the fullest. They called us the modern Muslims. We were dress to kill. I wore a mini tight dress that night and put on heavy make-up. We had planned to visit a club after the birthday bash. I was excited to party.

While we were enjoying ourselves, Iman came up to me and asked for my name. I have seen him around in school with his glasses and books. I found him a very handsome person but too studious and boring for my type.

But that night he had replaced his glasses with a blue contact lenses and a bottle of vodka. He was wearing a blue polo shirt with a black jeans. His hair was not side parting anymore. Instead it was styled an out-of-bed look. He was so gorgeous that I fell.

Yes, I literally fall into his arms. The drink was kicking in and I could feel my head spin. Iman held me and asked if we could get to know one another. I giggled a yes and the next thing I knew, we were dancing very close to each other.

Amanda tapped on my shoulder and reminded me about going to the club. I nodded to her indicating that I remember. She walked away to join some other friends.

Iman hugged me from behind and whispered in my ears,"Hey, how about a trip to my place first? We can catch up with your friends later."

At that moment, I could feel his hand running up and down my stomach. His lips were so close to my neck and his breath was so warm. I know his intentions. But I was so blinded by the liquor and the sensation of this young handsome man next to me, I agreed.

I told Amanda about my changed plan but she refused to let me go. Repeatedly she told me to put some senses in my mind, but I assured her that it will be fine and that we will use some protection. She was not convinced. She held my hand so tight, I swear there were marks on it. Then her boyfriend, James yelled at her to get ready to go. While turning her back on me, her grip loosen and I quickly pulled away. I could hear her voice calling my name but I already disappear.

Iman drove us to his house, saying his family were out of town. I was feeling nervous and drunk. But this man beside me was talking non-stop about the exams and his future. I could only hear some of his words for I was about to fall asleep.

When I woke up, I found myself in an unfamiliar room. I turned to find myself alone. I called out Iman's name but there was no answer. I quickly got dress and open the door quietly. I tiptoed my way into the hallway and into the living room. There was no one.

I searched everywhere but I still could not find anyone else in the house. I decided to leave. As I grabbed my handbag, I saw a note sticking out of my bag. I took it and unfold.

-Alysa, I'm sorry I had to leave early. Some urgent things to do. Do leave text me at 900*****. Could you tidy up the bed before you leave? Thanks babe!-

"What?! Does he thinks I'm his servant?"

I went in his room, get his bed done and leave the house.

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