Chapter 21 : Guilty Pleasure (Iman's POV)

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Chapter 21 : Guilty Pleasure (Iman's POV)

What did I just do?

Why did I do it?

I raked my hair and tears fell from my cheeks. I sat on a bench in a park nearby Alysa's home and sobbed quietly. The night were still young. It was a full moon and the crickets were chirping loudly. I glanced at my hand and saw some blood due to punching Alysa in the shoulder. I might have dislocated her shoulder back there. I was too drunk to think properly.

The call I made to Alysa's mum was what made me so drunk. I could not help feeling angry and sad and shocked at the same time. I remember what she said when I asked for Alysa.

"Iman, I think it's best you stay away from my daughter and my granddaughter. Alysa will start a new life soon. I do not want you to be around, because it will only make Alysa feel terrible about it."

"What do you mean by 'starting a new life'?" I had asked.

"Well.. Shah have proposed to Alysa. And they are getting married in a few months time. It won't be a big wed-"

"What? But.. I wanted to propose to her. I wanted to make her my legal wife. How could you ask me to stay away from Alysa and my own daughter?"

"Look Iman. Things don't always go the way we plan it. I think you should stay away from our family and go back to yours. Your mother must have been worried sick about you. Don't you love your mother?"

I did not gave her an answer and hang up the phone. I could not believe Shah beat me to it. He actually proposed to her within a few months of knowing each other. Well, maybe they did know each other before, but what about Erma? Erma need her father. Her real father.

I had gotten so frustrated that I went for a drink at a bar. There were lots of skimpy wearing and drunk girls. One of the girls got up to me and started rubbing me in all directions. She even asked to leave the place with her and to a nearby hotel. I had followed her, but I left just as soon as we stepped in the hotel.

I do not want this girl. I only want Alysa.

And that's how I ended up raping Alysa.

It's bad enough I let her suffered during the pregnancy period, now I tortured her while she was sober. Furthermore, I slapped her and punched her.

She will never forgive me now. Never.

I should not have got myself drunk. I should have just call Alysa and talk to her. I did not mean to hurt her.

I texted her, knowing well enough that I will not be forgiven.

~Alysa, I'm so so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to make you cry. I never had any intention of doing this to you. Please forgive me. I'm so sorry. I love you Alysa.~

Within minutes, my handphone rang and Alysa's number appeared. I let it ring for awhile, feeling guilty all over me. I gingerly picked up the call and said hello.

"What did you do to her?! How could you do this?! I'm going to report you to the police. I'm going to make you pay for this."


"You shouldn't appeared in our lives. I love Alysa. You make me-"

"Bullshit! If you love her, you wouldn't do this to her!"

I hang up the phone quickly and decided to leave the place before Shah came for me. As I walked along the pathway, I saw some policemen and paramedics making their way towards me. I quickly looked down and hid my face as I pass them. After they disappeared, I ran towards the main road so I could get a taxi and went home to pack. 

I need to leave this place. I need to leave this country.

I saw a taxi on the opposite side of the road and hailed it. He stopped and waited for me to cross the road. 

Suddenly, a loud screeched and a loud bang was heard. An instant pain shot through me and the whole world went blank.

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