A Schedule To Enrage An Oblivion Path [5]

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I once believed myself a victim—naïve and ensnared by a world I thought I understood—until the veil of ignorance was torn asunder. Trust no one, they warned me, not even your own shadow. I heeded their caution too soon, adopting suspicion as my shield, even against the faintest silhouettes of loyalty. They adhered an invisible mark upon my back, a silent betrayal that rendered me exposed, my very essence laid bare. The fortress of my security crumbled, reduced to desolate ruins. He derided me with a gaze void of expression—no sardonic grin, no glimmer of amusement—but his contempt echoed louder than words ever could. It was as though fate had whispered the unfolding tragedy to me, a grim script etched upon the pages of inevitability. This was but the prologue, the spark igniting a tempest deep within. Forgetting, I find, is a Sisyphean labor, while slipping into oblivion tempts with its deceptive ease.

But forgetting would grant them victory, and so, I defy it. Every wound is cataloged, a mark on the ledger of my resolve, each insult sharpened into a tool of remembrance.

From the outset, she was my earliest adversary. Her hushed insinuations branded me as inadequate, unworthy, a fraud in the very realm I had sought to master. How could I celebrate my craft while shackled by the weight of her derision? Her jests, slyly veiled as humor for those eager to laugh, were precise daggers aimed at my spirit. I was not merely an observer of her mockery—I was its heart, the distorted reflection of humiliation. She robbed me of the one thing I cherished: my trust in myself. She does not deserve my forgiveness, nor my empathy. A part of me longs to confront her, to unearth every moment where I surpassed her doubts, where I excelled despite her scorn. She stirs tears not of vulnerability but of simmering frustration, a tormentor relentless in her erosion of my identity. She wasn’t just the thief of my time; she shattered the sanctity of my purpose.

They offered alternatives—false havens cloaked in fragile illusions, structures that crumbled at the slightest breath. If safety were anything but a mirage, how then do these scars persist? What I crave now is not the transient balm of fleeting comfort but a sanctuary unassailable, where love flows unblemished by suspicion or equivocation. My silence is no testament to serenity but the echo of disillusionment. And so, I build—a schedule of defiance, actions taken to rage against the seductive pull of oblivion. Where does my vast, unyielding resolve find its anchor? It lingers always, a shadowed specter, whispering deceitful reassurances of security that I choose to silence.

And now, in this final chapter, there are two: one whom I trust, another whom I love. They sustain my fragile dreams, fueling a yearning for a path where wrongs can be righted, where the scars can fade into faint memories. I pin my hope upon their guidance, for I no longer possess the strength to bear the curse of my unguarded innocence. It is this innocence, fragile yet stubborn, that led me to this place. Yet now, I guard it.

A path that refuses to be consumed by oblivion. After all, it's not my fault.

As Vivências Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora