You're Trying To Turn Me Against Her

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Ayla clenched her jaw, refusing to let his words shake her. But doubt crept in. "If that's true, why would she tell you?" she challenged. "You're her ex. Someone she supposedly hates."

Leo's smirk widened despite the pain he was clearly in. "Because, darling, before we broke up, we weren't just partners—we were a team. She trusted me with everything back then. That's how I know she's a master manipulator. She's been doing this for years. Seducing people, drawing them into her orbit, and then discarding them when they're no longer useful. You're just the latest in a long line."

Ayla's mind raced, but she refused to believe it so easily. "You're saying all this because you're bitter," she said, trying to sound resolute. "You're trying to turn me against her."

Leo leaned forward slightly, his eyes gleaming with malicious intent. "Think what you want, Ayla. But ask yourself—has she told you everything about her past? Has she been completely honest? Or has she conveniently left out the parts that don't fit the narrative she wants you to believe?"

Ayla felt her throat tighten. 

The truth was, Selene had been guarded about certain things. 

There were moments when her answers felt too polished, her emotions too controlled. 

But did that mean she was using her?

Leo saw the flicker of doubt in her eyes and pressed harder. "She's a survivor, Ayla, and survivors don't play fair. They manipulate, they deceive, and they do whatever it takes to stay on top. You think she cares about you? She's playing a role—making you feel special so you'll do what she wants."

"That's enough," Ayla snapped, her voice trembling with anger. "You're just trying to save yourself. Selene's done nothing but protect me. She's risked her life for me."

"Because it serves her purpose," Leo countered coldly. "Think about it. If you weren't useful to her, would she still be by your side?"

Ayla hesitated, her grip on the dagger faltering. She didn't want to believe him, but his words planted seeds of doubt that she couldn't immediately shake.

"If you really think she's different with you," Leo added, his voice softer now, almost pitying, "then go ahead. Trust her. But when the time comes, don't be surprised when she turns her back on you. That's what Selene does best."

Ayla glared at him, her heart pounding. "And what about you, Leo? You're so noble, aren't you? You didn't manipulate her? You didn't lie or use her?"

Leo's smirk faltered for the first time. "I won't pretend I'm innocent. But at least I never pretended to love someone to get what I wanted."

Ayla stepped back, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. 

She turned and left the room without another word, her thoughts tangled with uncertainty. 

As she walked down the hallway, her heart ached with conflicting feelings. 

Was Leo just trying to poison her mind, or was there some truth in his words?


Selene arranged a clandestine meeting with Marcus, a former Mafia insider turned informant who had long sought refuge in anonymity. 

Once an ally of her parents, Marcus held secrets about the task force's deep ties to corrupt officials and the criminal underworld her parents had tried to expose. 

His knowledge promised to unveil the truth that Selene had been chasing for years, truths that could bring her closer to justice—and revenge.

Selene's decision to meet Marcus wasn't just a strategic move; it was deeply personal. Marcus, a former ally of her parents, was one of the few people who held answers to their brutal murders at the hands of the task force.

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