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*One Year Later*

I groaned rolling over to the other side of the bed. My head shot up when i noticed Harry Wasnt Beside Me.

"Harry?" I spoke the door opened and Harry Came In Holding A Camera. All of a sudden a white husky puppy jumped on the bed. I smiled and it started licking my face.

"Happy Birthday Baby." So far Harrys Been Doing Good With The Relationship Thing.

"Oh My God Thank You So Much." I picked the puppy up and placed her on my legs. Harry sat down next to me. I leaned over and kissed his lips.

"Best Present Ever."

"Theres More Where That Came From. What Are You Naming Her?" He asked. I looked down at her, as she curled up on my legs.

"Lucy." He smirked and started digging in his pocket. And pulled out a A pink Harnest That Said Lucy.

"You knew?" I asked as i strapped it onto her.

"Yes. Number One Cause Your Obsessed Over Lucy Hale, And Every Pet You've Ever Had Name Was Lucy." He said i gazed at him.

"You Remember That?" I smiled then i felt last nights dinner coming up. I pushed Lucy Off Of Me Then I ran to the bathroom. Tears formed as the contents filled the toilet. A felt a lil nudge on my thigh. I looked down to see Lucy Whimpering. I smiled and placed her onto the counter as i got up. Harry stood by the door. As i brushed my teeth, Lucy kept brushing against my stomach.

"Lucy Stop." I stated pushing her away. She did it again. I placed my toothbrush back, then i placed her on the floor. I rubbed my stomach slowly, feeling a instant connection.

"C'mon Baby." Harry stated i followed him into the kitchen to see the whole table full of food.

"Thank You." I said sitting down. I pilled my plate like i was eating for two. I was really hungry.

"Damn Lauren." I rolled my eyes and kept eating. Ive been really moody lately. Harrys phone dinged and he frowned. He looked up at me.

"Sweetheart i got to go, but i promise ill be back as soon as possible." I nodded and he left. I stood up and put the rest of my breakfast away.

"Lucy!" I screamed she ran into the kicthen her tiny tail wagging.

"You wanna go on a walk, babygirl?" She barked and i smiled. I walked past her into the living room to see about 10 bags from the pet store.

"Damn." Lucy Was digging through them. I picked her up and walked upstairs and into me and harrys room. I dropped her onto the bed then i went into the bathroom. I pulled Harrys Shirt And Boxers Off, Then I stood in the mirror. My stomach got huge. I frowned. It wasnt like i ate alot huge it was pregnancy huge. I rubbed it and tears just started to run down my cheeks.

"I have to go.. Harry Isnt Gonna Want A Baby." I wiped my eyes and pulled my hair into a ponytail. I quickly walked to our closet, and got me a quick outfit. (Picture On The Side.) After i got dressed, i grabbed all my clothes and shoved them into a suitcase, Lucy Sat On The Bed Whimpering. I grabbed a pen and paper and sat down, and wrote.

Dear Harry,

We've been through a lot, and trust me Harry all of it was worth it. Going through hell and back has taught me so much. You've taught me so much. You've inspired me and taught me to be myself. But as always, good things always come to end and like they say if you love something let it go, so I'm leaving Harry. For good. Don't come looking for me, I love you Harry Edward Styles, forever and always

-Lauren xo.

A tear dropped on the paper. I placed them both down on the nightstand. I grabbed my suitcase and walked out the room and downstairs. Lucy barked as i stood as the front door.

"Bye Babygirl."

Harry Styles

I smiled as i pulled up into my driveway. I've been busy getting Laurens Party Set up, now i just have to get the birthday girl.

I was grabbing my keys when i seen that the doors cracked.

"Shit. Lauren!" I yelled throwing the door open. I ran into the room to see, the closet doors thrown open, Lucy Whimpering, My shirt And Boxers on the floor, and a piece of paper.

"Shit." I didnt even read it i knew that she left. Its obvious. I ran out the door, hoping id find my babygirl.

"Lauren!" I screamed running down the driveway. I punched the gate as my sadness mixed with anger. I dialed her number hoping she'd answer.

'Hi You've Reached Lauren! Leave your Name And Number Please!' I threw my phone at my car. The glass shattered, and i pulled my hair.

"No.... She Cant Leave Me." I cried as i dropped to my knees.

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