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I walked in to the boxing ring and sat in one corner. Home sweet home.

"You got this Lucas. Just knock them dead. Not literally." Zay said trying to give me a pep talk, like always.

"I know, I know. Who am I up against today?" I asked putting on my mouthguard.

"Someone who goes by the name 'Dave'." I nodded and looked over to get a glimpse of Dave. Not to bad, easily can take him down but as people say 'don't judge a book by its cover.'

As the referee went over the rules, I gazed over the crowd and caught Riley's eye. She mouthed good luck and gave her a wink. Let's hope Devin didn't catch it.

"Ready." The referee said, we both nodded.

We both got in position, as soon as the whistle blow, I was in fight mode to win.


"Lucas I got your money and boyyy it's a lot." I heard Zay yell outside of the showers.

"Give me a moment." I yelled, only to wince from my throbbing jaw and wrapped a towel as I walked out.

"Do you know where the first-aid, I got....Hi Riley and Devin." I said wincing again, once I notice they were in the room. We stood in an awkward silence, since I was still in a towel, but was broken by a ringtone.

"Excuse me, I have take this." Devin said walking out but not without giving Riley a strange look.

"Well I'll be outside. Here's your the kit." Zay said handing it over.

"That was quite a fight."

"Yeah it was but definitely wasn't my one of most difficult matches. He's moves were a bit obvious to tell you the truth." I said grabbing the alcohol bottle and gauzes.

"Here let me help you." I didn't argue, just let her work her magic on me. I watch as her eyes scrunch up, biting her lip as she concentrated on my wounds.

I hissed as she touched my abdomen. "Sorry. He got a kick out you though. The bruise is like size of my hand." She stated.

I look over and noticed a huge blackish/purple bruise. "It's nothing I can't take. I've had worse."

"And what would be consider worse?" She asked as she sat across from me to treat my jaw.

"A few broken rib bones, broken wrists, a dislocated jaw, and on top of that my head smashed against the floor that led me to be in a coma for a month." But that was nothing compare how I felt when you left.

"Oh. I didn't know." She stared at me with doe-wide eyes filled with grief and concern.

"Riley..." I said leaning closer as our foreheads touch. "It's okay, I'm okay. That was when I started."

She placed one her hands on my face, I automatically leaned in at the touch and wrapped my hands around her waist. "Lucas...I-"

"Lucas, where you at?" Zay's stupid voice caused us to jump apart.

"We're in here?" Called out Riley.

"Hey so what's the verdict Nurse Matthews?" He asked leaning on the door framed.

"A few bruises, bloody knuckles, and gashes here and there. His jaw might be dislocated but not sure, should check that out by a doctor. Thankfully nothing severe." She said quickly.

"Well I'm gonna go, Devin texted me that our cab's here. Hope to see you guys soon and yeah bye." She rushed out completely avoiding me.

"Well that's normal. She's a keeper." Zay said.


"So did you kiss her?"

"Zay!" I said throwing the bottle of alcohol at his head, sadly he ducked.

"Honest question! Unless you did a little something more than that cause, you haven't changed. Seriously dude put on some pants, don't need to see that swinging around."

Whoop whoop another update! I got a little to excited writing this chapter. Tbh, I'm still surprise people are still here reading my stories after my long absent.

What are your thoughts on:
The Rucas moment?
What about Zay ruining the moment?
Maybe even about Lucas' past experience in the boxing ring?
Devin? He seems up to something!

Yo chicken nuggets don't be to afraid to vote, comment, or follow!

Until next time my beautiful and humble children.

Mad Dog ❀ RucasWhere stories live. Discover now