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"Oh, for you. Ooh, you. Ooh, I'd leave it all." Lucas' voice faded at the end.

The crowd cheered at clapped at his performance, especially the girls. But I can say I cheered the loudest, just saying.

"For someone who didn't want to sing, you're singing more than I have been coming here and singing." I said to a hyped up Lucas.

"Well what can I say, I'm natural." He said cockily before grinning.

"Natural my ass." I muttered as some girls walked up to him. Oh gosh.

"You were really good up there." Said a blonde as her friends giggled and nodded.

"Um thanks." Lucas answered.

"Omg, like you have such an amazing voice. I can't believe this is your first time here." I rolled my eyes.

"Did you come here alone? We could like totally keep you company!" Like hello, I'm right here.

I sat at the counter alone muttering incoherent comments at the girls surrounding Lucas. Couldn't they find another man, this one's mine. Shit! I didn't say that.

I could understand why they would surround him. He's tall and fit, got these beautiful light green eyes, you could lost in them forever. His hair is nice and blond and sometimes I have the urge to run my hands through them. His smile, can light up your whole day. And his lips are nice and plump, I could kiss for days.

Pfft totally don't understand the appeal.

I guess I was to busy in my thoughts, that I didn't notice Lucas I'm front of me.
"Um Riley?"

"Like totally!" I blurted out.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts. What happen to your lady fans, I thought they were going to keep you company?"

"Shooed them away. Someone already has taken that place."

"Really?" My voice went in a high pitch. "Uh I mean cool...can I meet her."

"Yeah just give me sec." He said walking away.

"Well there goes my chance." I muttered sadly.

I physically palmed my face. I'm such an idiot, thinking that there was a possibility for us again.

"I'm back." Lucas said holding something in his hand.

"So where's your lady friend?" I asked sweetly.

"Here you go." He said lifting a small hand mirror.

"Um are you okay?" I asked confused.

"Oh no, you're looking at her. Quite beautiful I might say." Pointing to my reflection in the mirror.

I blushed, "Thanks Mr. Cheesy."

He rolled his eyes, "C'mon I think we're done here."

"Aren't you gonna say bye to your fans?" I asked sarcastically.

"Nope. One of them tried to touch my butt. Like this isn't a club people." He said grabbing my hand and leading the way out, avoiding the girls.

I burst out laughing when we approach the car. "She tried to touch your butt?!"

"I would not like to talk about it please." He said getting in.

"Would you let me touch your butt?"

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