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"Let's get the party started we brought the alcohol." Said a women, a bit older than than Topanga, holding 2 wine bottles. A middle-age man, Devin, and Riley where behind her.

"Mr. and Mrs. Matthews I apologize for my mother's behavior." Devin said.

"It's fine Devin. Victoria is always a pleasure to have around." Topanga answered going to Victoria's side.

"Well try being married to her." The older man muttered in a thick Irish accent.

"Ah Craig try being married to Topanga." Cory said to Craig, they laughed like they were old friends.

"Now who might these handsome boys be." Victoria said pointing towards to Zay and I.

"These are friends of mine. This is Zay Babineaux and Lucas Friar. And this is Devin's parents Victoria and Craig Gray." Riley said introducing us.

"Lucas Friar?" Craig asked.

"Yes sir." I was kinda nervous to what he had to say next.

"You don't happen to be fighter, specifically going by the name Ma-" Thank gosh he was cut off. Don't need the Matthews to know about that part of my life.

"Riley! I know you're dying to talk to your parents." Devin said, loudly, cutting off his father. I gave him an appreciated smile which he returned.

"That's right. How's my baby girl been for the past year?" Cory questioned. Then they indulged in a conversation about Riley, while Zay, Auggie, and I stayed out of it.

"Well that was interesting." Zay said. Auggie and I nodded.

"Hey Auggie, what do you think about Devin?" I questioned.

"He's cool. Sometimes we play video games together and he likes to take me along with him and Riley to basketball games."

"That's nice of him." I simply said, then Auggie went to join the others.

"Well looks like your a goner. Everyone seems to love Devin." Zay said gesturing to Devin who was laughing with Cory.

"Yup, but as long as she's happy, that's all I want." He gave a sad smile.

"Dinner's ready! So grab a seat." Topanga instructed.

Cory and Topanga were at the heads of the the table. On his left was Auggie, Zay, and I. On his right was Riley, Devin, Craig, and Victoria.

"This smells good, Topanga." Victoria commented.

"Thank you. I used an old family recipe." She answered.

"Before we dig in. I want to thank everyone for coming, even if we weren't expecting Craig and Victoria. Also that my baby girl is back home, safe and sound." Cory said which cause us to let out an "Aww's".

As we ate, everyone were in their own conversations; Topanga with Devin's parents , Cory with Riley and Auggie, and lastly Zay and I were talking with Devin.

"I hope you don't mind asking, since we really haven't talk. I was wondering if you boys wanted to go a baseball game with me this Saturday. Riley is going be with Maya, since she comes back this week." Devin said.

"Yeah I'll be down to go. What about you Lucas?" Zay said and I saw Riley turn towards us.

"Yeah, I'm up for anything." I answered. Riley just smiled and went back to her conversation.

"Thanks. I really don't have that much friends, so I don't get to have a nice night out. Since you're great friends with Riley and no doubt you'll be in her life more often. I thought why not get a chance to befriend them." Maybe Devin isn't that bad after all.

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