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"Good Morning."

"Morning. What's for breakfast." I asked.

"Well I left some eggs and bacon for you. There's orange juice in the fridge." Devin said as he tied his oxfords.

"Don't you look handsome." I say walking up to him and doing his tie. 

"Thanks. Gotta look my best for the meeting as the new boss." He said adjusting his blazer.

"I'm sure you'll do great and it's not like they can fire you. Maybe your dad, knowing him."

"True. I'm sorry that we can't talk about last night but maybe tonight after dinner with your parents and brother."

"Devin it's fine. At least you remember about the dinner. Now go on, don't want to be late." I said giving his car keys and phone.

"What would I do without you. I'll see you tonight. Bye." Giving me a kiss on the cheek and walking out the door.

"Bye." Now how about that breakfast Riley.




"Food." Was the first thing Zay and I said to each other after our classes.

"I swear the only place we eat is at Belle. But I ain't complaining." Zay said.

"Neither am I and I'm the one who works there."

"I worked there too." He  saiding switching the radio station.

"Worked. You got yourself fired within the first hour. At least they let you eat you there."

"What can I say they like me."
A familiar beat begin and we instantly looked at each other.

"All along the western front. People line up to receive. She got the power in her hand...." We sang out loud. "I said ooh girl. Shock me like an electric eel. Baby girl.
You turn me on with your electric feel."

"That song never gets old." I said as parked the car.

"Never does."

"Well isn't my favorite customers. Your usuals?" Asked Derrick, Belle's husband.

"Yeah thanks Derrick." And we walked down to sit in our booth.

"So talked to Riley yet?"

"Nope." Popping the p out.

"Okay. So I did research on the boyfriend of her's, Devin, and I found out-" I cut him off.

"You did what? You didn't even get his last name." But the look on Zay's face told me other wise.
"Fine, tell me."

"Well when he answered his phone he replied with 'Devin Gray'. I googled his name thinking I wasn't gonna get anything and bam! Probably one of the most wealthiest man under 30. His father is the CEO of Gray Enterprise."

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