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"Okay I'm gonna head to company to get all the paperwork from Zay. Maybe stop by the store, get a basket full of junk food; also get some take out. We could have a lazy movie night. How does that sound?" Devin said.

"Sounds perfect. Make sure to get me cookie dough ice cream!" I replied.

"Of course how could I forget! I'll be back in about an hour, in the mean time take a shower." He said kissing my forehead. "You stink."

"Thanks it's all natural." I said sticking my tongue.

He stuck his tongue back out. "Loser, okay I'm leaving. Just call if you need anything!"

"Okay bye!"




"Why are you dragging me along to your workplace?" I groaned not in the mood to do anything.

"Well, one, you're my ride and two, you've been stuck in your room all day. Are you on your man period or something? Like you didn't even joke about me being Maya's date for an art party." He bluntly said.

"No! I'm just tired..." from all these feelings. I added mentally in my head.

"Mhm sure but I believe you just time. Next time I will bug the fuck out of you until you spill."

"I'll remember." I said as I pulled up to the curb in the front of the building.

"C'mon cowboy you're coming in too." Zay said getting out.

"What that wasn't part of the deal!"

"It is now, plus Devin came back from his trip and we could probably set up another guys night out." Zay reasoned.

Shit Devin's back! Is he going to confront me about Riley? Does he know? Does he hate me?

"Lucas, you coming?"

"Yeah." No. Damnit Lucas.


I watched as Zay greeted his boss back. I tried my best to hide, but being friends with Zay it is never gonna happen.

"Hey Lucas how you doing?" Asked Devin.

"I'm doing fine, you know being there and here."

"That's good. Why don't you get me all the necessary paperwork from the deal. Then we could talk about a guys night." Devin said firmly to Zay.

"All right boss. Be back in few." Zay said walking down the hall, no doubt going to his office.

"So when did you come back?" I said nervously rubbing the back of neck.

"Last night." He simply said staring at me.

"Oh that's good..." I said avoiding looking at him.

"Cut the bullshit Friar, I don't exactly know what went down between the two of you last night." He stated sharply.

"She didn't tell you?"

"No and she will tell me when she's ready. All I know that is an emotional wreck because of you and I'm doing my best to comfort her."

I scoffed, "Of course because she's your girlfriend. Oh wait you guys lied about your relationship to everyone."

"Look I know you're fucking angry and wants to beat the crap out of me. But did you even think how Riley felt about the whole situation. How she felt telling you her biggest secret? Did you think she ever meant to hurt you when she loves you?"

That shut me up.

"Hey guys. Hope you didn't plan anything out yet?" Zay said coming back with a folder.

"No we were just suggesting options." Devin said giving me a pointed look, unnoticed by Zay. "Are these the papers?"

"Yes everything is mention in here."

"Thanks Zay for everything. So any ideas for a night with the boys?" Devin said too happily.


"You okay there buddy? You're not that exhausted are you?" Zay joked after we departed from Devin.

I snorted, "Nah just thinking."

Now Zay snorted, "You thinking? What's next? Pigs are flying."

"Ha ha ha. Get in the trunk before I leave your ass here." I witted back.

"I feel the love."

I don't.


"Look as a best friend, I'm gonna let you be all moody until you feel the need to tell what's going with you. But as brother, I know that something happened between you and Riley." Zay stated as I parked in the driveway.

"What?" I questioned pretending to not know what he's talking about.

"Don't act stupid. I know you like I know everything that's in the fridge. That reminds me, you ate the last damn pudding cup!" He said pointing to an empty pudding cup in the cup holder.

"Sorry not sorry." I said trying to move on from the this to the serious matter at hand.

"Anyways, I know something happen, I don't know what but I just do. No doubt, the both of you guys are hurting. Clearly this issue is different when you guys broke up. You guys still love each other, to be honest I'm pretty it never stop. So what, there's a few bumps here and there, that's the way of life. But you guys know how to overcome anything just to be happy, don't stop now." He said before he got out.

I sighed and nodded.

"Lucas, please don't do anything stupid. Please." Zay said before walking up to the house.

I should've followed him inside and just relax but instead I swerved out of the driveway until I reached my destination.



"Maya I'm fine. I'm gonna have a lazy movie night with Devin." I replied through the phone as I looked through  movies.

"I'm hurt that I'm not invited." She huffed out.

"It's not my fault your at some fancy party at an art gala." I teased. "Plus maybe you could meet some cute guys that share an interest in art."

"Ha ha ha. Not with Zay as my date. Zay told me a cheesy pick up line about not photographing the art work when I tried to send you a photo of my dress." Maya witted back but I knew she was blushing.

"Oh damn, I wish I was there to see that." I said laughing think of the situation. Maya probably blushed at the comment but made a sarcastic comment about him being idiot.

In the background I could hear Zay asking Maya for a dance but she keeps saying no.

"Maya go dance with him. I know you want too!" I said.

"What no—"

"Bye! Be safe!" I said before I ended the call as Maya cursed at me.

I went back to looking through movies as the doorbell rang.

"Hi Riley." He said as I opened the door.


Hmmm I wonder who's at the door any guesses???

Wow I can't believe it's already 2016! I know I'm late but happy new years, hope y'all had a great week into the new year.

What are your thoughts on:
Brotp of Devin and Riley?
Devin talking with Lucas about Riley?
Zay's speech?
Zay as Maya's date?
Who's at the door?

Don't be afraid to vote, comment, follow me, and message me privately.

Until next time my beautiful chicken nuggets! - Diana

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