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I can't remember why I am where I am. Everything is white and blurry instead of dark like it should be, actually what am I supposed to see?
Of course there's a faint headache fighting to be felt, but that's all I feel. My hands numbly poke at my face and cracked lips and a few foreign bumps and bandages on my arms.
Then I remember. Everything.

"Mom!" I scream at the top of my lungs. A nurse rushes in and tries to calm me down, checks machines connected to me.
I neither know this lady or have seen her a day in my life, and I ask, "Where's mom?"

"Your mother is in room 205, she will be just fine." She speaks slowly like I wouldn't be able to understand if she were talking any other way.
She will be alright. I try to inhale and ignore the anxiety flooding my body. Another image appears in my brain. Darius. I would kill him myself if I wasn't constrained on this bed. He hurt my mom. He was playing with her feelings, pretending he liked her, just to take advantage of her. He wanted to get to me. I should have run out when I saw him on my sisters patio, I should have told Chris call the...I force my eyes open and shriek once again, making any other nurse appear at the doorway. I try my best to get up but a lady gently pushes me back down.

"Hold on, Chemariae," she says. Her voice starts to annoy me. "You need your rest. We need to get some strength back in you before you leave. It's like 5 in the morning, sweetie--"

"Where's Chris?" My voice is strained from the yelling.

A different nurse this time comes and gingerly pats my arm, "Chris who?"
A sharp pang of fear resounds inside my chest. I swallow and make my self take in more air instead of stare expectantly at the lady.

"Christian Collins."

"Oh I'll go check, but I believe he's a floor down--"

"He's alive?" I can't take this pressure.
She looks up from a clipboard she had picked up.

"He's still in pretty critical condition from the last update I got, but yes he's alive." She looks back down.
Relief, sweet relief. "Where was he shot?" I try to get some detains.

"Tissue near his heart, so he will have to stay a little longer." She looks up again. "Are you his sister?"

"Girlfriend." I say proudly just as an officer steps through the door.

"Ma'am," he addresses the nurse, as they step away from my bed. I recognize him as one of the officers we talked to about the case.

"Ms. Chemaraie, I personally apologize for aiding you back to safely and solving this case any quicker than we did. Even with help from a detective agency. I sincerely do apologize." Before I could say it was alright, he tells me Cylas and Darius are currently in jail, and will be on trial as soon as possible.
"They will not go unpunished," he says. "Also we discovered who's blood that was in your stolen car. It was a man's named Jacob McClay. We assume he conspired with the two and possibly was betrayed. Those things happen..." He must have seen the devastation in my eyes, because he stops informing me. "Did you know him personally?"

"Kinda. He was on our side eventually." I say. He didn't deserve to die, I think. Yeah, he helped Darius, but I believe him. He didn't want to hurt me. He was trying to help his mother.

"'s possible that Jacob went with Cylas to protect you by tricking him, saying he wasn't with you guys. Cylas didn't know he was 'on your side'," the officer suggests what I was thinking. Cylas was probably looking for me by the order of Darius even before then. Thank you Jacob.

"Then why was he killed?" I speak my mind.

"Maybe Cylas didn't trust Jacob was still working for Darius," the officer shoves his hand in his pocket and pulls out a pair of keys. "You must have left these when you were in Cylas' office. That's how he stole your car." He hands them to me. Well that's why I haven't been able to find me keys.

"Have you talked to Chris?" I ask.

"He's not..." The officer starts but is cut off by a stern look the nurse must have not wanted me to see.

"What's wrong?" I narrow my eyes at her.

"He's having surgery at the moment." The nurse relays.

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