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Chemaraie's P.O.V.

Soon we are driving away from the amusement park and back to the hotel. I try my hardest to figure out the puzzle. How does Jacob plays into everything? What if Jacob really did try to kidnap me? And why?
I sit in the back seat with Chris and he intertwines our fingers and gives me a kiss on the cheek.
"No matter what, I'll be there." He says. I look at the floor. "Babe, talk to me," his face is blanketed in concern.
"I'm fine."
A piece of paper on the floor of Chris's car catches my eye. I pick it up.
It has someone's number on it.
"Oh, I was looking for that," Chris takes his hand from mine and snatches at the paper. I quickly yank it away from his reach.
"Who's number is it?" I say with my eyes brows raised.
"A friend." He gives me a half smile and extends his arm again to reach the paper.
My heart sinks a little.
"Are you hiding something from me?"
"Chemaraie. Of course not." Chris replies. Naomi pokes her head behind her leather seat in the front.
"Then who's?" I say again.
"Why are you making this difficult?" Chris's voice is raised. "I'm trying to protect you!" Once the words were out, his emerald eyes said he regretted it.
To protect me?
"From what?" I'm absolutely confused. How did this go from a number on the floor to him protecting me.
"Chemaraie.." His voice is gentle now. There's a secret hiding in them, I know. Since the first day of the trip, he did seem a little worried. The car screeches at a red light. Now both people in the front have their eyes glued to us like at a TV screen.
No one says a word for minutes.
"Can we talk about this later?" His gaze drops to my shaking hands. My eyes tear up a bit like they do when I'm getting frustrated. Why do I even care? Chris has been loyal to me during our whole relationship. I can trust him.
"I'm sorry," I close my eyes forcing the tears back in their place. He didn't need this drama from me. And I didn't need this drama at all, not after everything that has been occurring.
"No babe, I'm sorry..." Chris draws lines with his finger on my hand, making me shiver. "It's just--"
"No don't tell me it's ok."

I'm so sorry I haven't been updating recently...
Anyways , if you liked this chapter please vote and comment .. It will give me the strength to write more frequently , I promise!

Thanks for the views, votes and follows.. I followed everyone back.

Vote, babes, thanks 💘

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