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"Ok team. I want y'all to work your hardest out there and win alright?!" Coach Vost screams above the rowdy crowd at half time. My team is is pumped (extremely tired) and ready to finish this game off strong. We are in the tournament and are tied with the bobcats a few points from winning the championship. We worked our butts off for this moment.
I glance at Chris and Naomi sit on the bleachers munching on hot dogs as the buzzer goes off. We are up against the bobcats 10-10. Eryn goes in for a layup. 10-11.
Sarah passes to Myra and she crosses a short girl blocking her. She steps back for the 3. 10-14.
Only two more minutes left and adrenaline is pumping through me...on the bench.
"Time out," the ref hollered.
We will win this easy, if Coach would just put me in.
"Chemariae get in there for Kacey."
We were back in. Myra passed it to me and I bounce pass it back to her when two defenders are on me and she tries a jump shot. 10-16.
"Mustangs win!"
"Yea!" We all celebrate.
"Alright! Pizza and wings at Pizza Hut!" Coach Vost shouts.
Oh shoot. I'm going out with Chris tonight.
"I won't be able to make it coach," I say to coach when I see her at her car.
"What? Why not," she lookes disappointed.
"Well I kinda... I have a previous engagement." I say.
"Oh, why didn't you tell me you have a date," she winkes. "Go ahead," she waved me off.
"Thanks coach!" Her sliver mustang roars off.
"We aren't saving you any wings!" She holleres back.
"Good job, Babe!" I turn around into a hug from Chris.
"Thanks," I look up into his eyes. They sparkle in the dark. I could get lost in them.
"I didn't know you got a new car." I say and Chris leads me to an expensive looking vehicle.
He laughs. "Oh that? That's my brother's."
"Your brother is here?"
I never did get a change to meet his brother. Crawford steps out of the car.
Woah. Wow. Well I guess good looks just run in the family.
"Hey," Chris's brother whips his hair to the side. "I'm Crawford. You must be Chemaraie," he says bringing his hand out to shake mine.
"Yeah, that's me," I grin.
"Hey guys!" We all turned around to find Naomi strutting towards us.
She pauses in mid-step and smiles at Crawford.
"Long time no see," she beams and hugs him.
"Yeah..." Crawford chuckles. "How've you been?"
Chris and I blink at each other and at Crawford and Naomi. "So you know each other right?" I say slowly, not getting any of this.
"We have to go guys," Chris clutched my hand.
"Alright," Crawford says. He turns to Naomi and murmurs something to her. She smiles and they start walking to his car while Chris and I walk, swinging our adjoined hands, to his own red sports car. We drive home to get ready.

After he drops me off, I take a 10 minute shower letting the water soothe my worked muscles. I wash my unmanageable long curly hair.
Next, I slip on a turquoise high low shirt dress and brown wedges. Fancy enough for a date with the flawless Christian Collins but still casual enough for yet another movie. This time we're watching some scary movie Chris demands we have to see.

Finally I comb out my hair until it surrenders and falls to my shoulders willingly. I apply some cloudy blue eye shadow and glide on some eye liner. I finish by spritzing on some of my new citrus-y perfume.
I lock the front door, and turn around to see Chris in a dark striped button up and jeans. His hair looks indescribably soft. I smile to myself at the thought. I'm sure they'll be plenty of time for that later, though. He smiles at me as I step down the stairs toward him.

Chris's P.O.V.

She looks stunning. For a seconds I could see nothing but the gorgeous girl waking toward me. I'm really the luckiest guy in the world.
I leaned down to kiss her once she's close enough and I wrap my arms around her back. She softly moans under me. Before eyes fly open.
"We have to go," she mumbles. A smile tugs at the corner of her lips. "or we will be here all night."
"True," I shug and laugh. I grab her hand again as we walk back to my car.


Hey guys!

It SUMMER so I will have more time to update.

Luv Always

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