Intruder alert

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There is still two weeks of break left and I have been bored out of my mind. Naomi went to to Georgia quickly after the long drive back home and Chris and I talk occasionally but every moment his image appears on my phone, I doubt him. The number I found in Crawford's car is probably irrelevant to our relationship, I tell myself frequently. But there's really nothing else to worry about besides figuring out who tried to kidnap me. I have no evidence or clue to who it really was. Jacob is suspicious but I can't seem to barge the pieces of the puzzle together.

Mom knocks on my door. "Hey, I'm going to Marvin's. Lock the door after me...I think Cheyanne took my key again." I hear her sigh and walk away.
Marvin. There's something to think about. Another boyfriend I guess? For months after dad died mom was depressed, mainly I think, because our low income, and she was obliged to find a decent job. When she got back on her feet, Cheyanne and I encouraged dating. I honestly didn't want mom to, but she seemed more miserable than ever. And when she was miserable, it added even more grief onto my shoulders. Dad leaving us in the way he did...With the police on his back, it really wasn't a piece of cake. Anyways, she started dating for real. In monstrous measures. Like 5 or 6 a week.

I lay still for hours with boredom suppressing me on my bed. I know I have homework, but hey, I'll do it during my insomnia spell that decides to crawl into bed with me every night. I drift off into some type of slumber when I hear knocks at my door. Or is it my window? I freeze. There are no trees near my window and its a pretty windless day so what could that be?
I gingerly peek out and see Jacob. The suspicious MIA supposed kidnapper. Well I really have no idea why he did it, but saying he couldn't come on the trip and then fleeing after we called him at the amusement park sure sent up some red flags. We never really established a real relationship before everything got freaky. I slide off my bed and crawl to the window.
"Chemaraie please open up." His icy, bloodshot eyes pleaded. I really didn't know what to do.
"Chemaraie." I open the window and he crawls in.
"What do you want?" I say immediately. I have a lot of questions but I want to hear what he has to say, what he had to rattle on my window for. Why he didn't bother to just ring the doorbell...
"I have some...News that might be shocking. And before I tell you I need you to swear you won't turn me in," Jacob spoke slowly, as if I couldn't hear clearly.
I swallow before saying, "I don't make promises." I relay it with a breathy tone instead of the solid one I had planned. We stand in silence.
"Well I still have to tell you because it is about you...And I really don't want you to get hurt."
What does he have anything to say about me getting hurt? My suspicions line up in my brain.
"I know who tried to kidnap you."

Sorry it's a shortie! Please vote and comment.

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