Lunch tension and suprise guests

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Weeks later
Chris P.O.V.

It's impossible for me get Chemaraie out of my brain today... she just stunning. I wish I had somewhat of a chance with her. Ugh, stop being so negative. I just need to do it. Ask her out. I've done this before, so why am I so nervous?
It's lunch finally and I sit down at a table.
Naomi waves at me and struts over to the far table I'm sitting at without Chemaraie.
"Hey Chris," she coos.
She was wearing a bright pink crop top, distressed shorts, heels, and a huge coach purse which takes up the whole seat next to her. Her long straight hair was down, unlike yesterday's pony tail. Almost all the guys near us were practically drooling, their eyes glued to her.
"Hey, where is Chemaraie?" I ask. Naomi shrugs.
"I dunno," she says while popping open her soda can.
I finally spot Chemaraie over at the end of the lunch line. Her face lights up when she sees me and I wave her over.
"Hey," Chemaraie runs her hand through her curls to get them out of her eyes.
"Hi," I grin, "where have you been all day?"
She sighs. "Running from teacher to teacher. Trying to get my grades in order."
Her face brightens. "So Chris, tell us about your family like you said you would," her eyes sparkle when she talks.

"Uh well, my family moved down from Canada about a month ago, because my mom was offered a job. Karisma, my sister, is a freshman at Cowen High and she might be coming here next year. Kirsten stayed in Canada to finish college. Crawford is coming here--."

"Did you just say Crawford was coming tomorrow?" Naomi half yells half whispers.

I smirk. Crawford is an "old friend of hers" as she told me. "What's this with you and Crawf?" I raise my eye brows and hold in s knowing smile.

Naomi smiles and her cheeks the redden. "Nothing really. We used to go to school together, but I moved down here."
"Mhmm," Chris and I throw knowing glances.
"What?!" Naomi laughs.

Chemaraie's P.O.V.

I think about Chris on the bus ride home.
We've been talking for weeks, and living right next door is convenient, because I get to see him whenever I want, but I can't help but wish he'd say more to me.
The seat next to me is empty because Chris had to stay after school for basketball practice so it's only me and Naomi on the bus.
"So how are you and Chris?" Naomi turns to me, her pony tail bouncing.
"Good I guess. We haven't gone on a date yet though, I wish he would ask me out already."
"Maybe he just isn't sure if you'd say yes?"
She suggests.
Her stop comes soon and then I'm alone.
About 20 minutes after I arrive at home, I'm greeted by Chris at my door with his hands shoved into his pockets.
"Hey Princess," he says his nickname for me casually, like I really was royalty.
"Why do you call me that?" I ask curiously.
"Because..." He kicks a pebble.
"Because why?" I smile and give him a push.
He looks around cautiously. "Because I think you're one in disguise."
We laugh.
"Aw thank you." I hate myself for blushing.
After moments I realize that our faces must have inched closer.
"Did anyone ever tell you that your eyes are beautiful?"
"Yeah, a while ago. You did." I smirk.
"Well it's true."
"Your eyes are fascinating too," I said biting my lip trying to keep the awkward conversation going.
"Well what about my lips?" he asks.
He softly presses his lips onto mine. I hesitate at the impulse-ness of it all, but I soon give in and find my arms wrapped around his neck.

Suddenly, I hear foot steps. Chris and I jump away from each other and stare intently into the dark.
I spin around and gasp.



Yay! The first cliff hanger...

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