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S/o to UnknownViner16 ! Thank you for voting!

This is the LAST chapter. Thank you all! Thank you for the follows votes and all the lovely comments. Please keep doing it lol.

I kiss Chris awake.
"I brought you tea..." I say softly. It's his favorite kind, and I was hoping it would help him up. He's been sleeping all day.

"Awe...this is why I love you." He says without opening his eyes. I shake my head and blush. He rubs his eyes and leans as far up as he could without causing his shoulder to move to kiss me back, which wasn't very far. I laugh at his attempt and help him sit up fully on the plush brown chair in the Collins' bonus room.
After surgery, the pain from Chris's shoulder down to his chest was scrutinizing, but I'm so grateful he's ok. We've both been so relieved since everything was solved, so glad to have each other. Alive.
"Would you like anything else?" I ask.
He grins. "For one, some more chamomile tea, some fried chicken--gosh I haven't had that in ages--an ice cream sundae would be nice, a-"

"I quit!" I laugh, and toss the hand towel I held at him.

Jacob's funeral is today. I have to drive Chris to the funeral home, which wasn't a very smooth ride because my driving is terrible, including screeching stops and wide turns. But we make it about 30 minutes before its to start. I help Chris out of the car and we walk into the well decorated foyer area. A lady dressed in a long black dress was sitting in a wheelchair.

"Maybe I should help her inside," Chris whispers. We walk over to her and introduce ourselves.

"Ma'am do you need help?" I ask.
"Oh sure. Thank you," her voice was soft and warm. Kind of like being hugged by a pillow.
"My son was such a helper..." She mumbles and she starts to tear up.

"Your son was...Jacob?" I stop rolling her in.
"Yes. He always wanted to help me. He always did, but I told him I'd be fine. He didn't have to go and do...go do something so stupid," she sniffs.

I look at Chris and he rests his hand on her back. "He was trying his best. We should be happy for the good things he did do. Like save our lives."

It's true. In essence, Jacob saved our lives. Cylas could have seen through Jacob's act sooner, and who knows what Cylas would have done. And I'm sorry that he left his mother. Right as I think this, Chris continues.

"If you still need help, my family will definitely provide any money you need." She quickly refuses but I know Chris was going to make sure she was taken cared for. "It's the least I can do." He wheels her into the main room.

The funeral is short but absolutely beautiful. Jacob's few friends, Crawford and some others, share some of the good memories they had shared with such an amazing individual. Yes, Jacob conspired with the Darius and Cylas, who are now locked up, but he didn't stay with them. He helped us tremendously. Without him I wouldn't know where I, or my mother, would be.

My speech to him went something like this:
"I knew Jacob for only 6 months, but those six months were the most interesting ones of my entire life. As most know, I was kidnapped and nearly killed, but I wouldn't know anything about my kidnappers if it wasn't for Jacob. He had good in him, unlike the insane and vengeance-seeking people of this earth. If God willed that he stay with us until today, we would be on our way to becoming probably the best of friends. Thank you Jacob, for being my hero."

The End.

Love always ❤️

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