At lunch

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"Chemaraie!" I hear a deep male voice call from across the hallway. I spin around and find Darius trying to maneuver his way through the mass of students.

"Hey," Darius gives me a hug once he was close enough.
"Hi? Why are you here?" Darius couldn't be going to school here. I think he's in college now, about a year ahead of me.
"Oh, just visiting you."
I give him a questioning look and slam my locker shut. Darius grabs my hand/wrist to keep up as I rush through all the traffic of students. I'm only 5'2 so I can usually duck and slide through everyone without getting swallowed. Mrs. Brinks' class is on the other side of the school so the hand/wrist holding thing starts getting awkward after a while. We get to the class just before the bell rang.
"Ok so I have to go to class. Talk to you later?" I say.
"I could just sit in the back."
"Darius what are you talking about, you aren't my guardian." I laugh.
Darius raises his eyebrows. "Maybe not. I'll see you later."

I'm glad he's visiting and stuff, but the thought of my boyfriend should keep him away from me. Does he even remember?
Mondays are the usual sleep in class days. My head hits my desk when I sit down.

I was dozing off when I got a text from Chris.
Crawford wants to introduce us to his friend.
I assume this is the kid going on the trip with us.

At lunch, Naomi and I walk over to the table Crawford and his friend were. As we get closer to the table, I checked out the guy Crawford brought. Sandy colored hair. He looked like he just came from the gym with his tank and shorts. Then I saw his crutches.
"Hey guys," Crawford grins as I slide in next to the guy and Chris appears next to me and wraps his arms around my waist.
Chris whispers something in my ear. His words rush down my spine giving me chills.
"Ok, so this is my friend Jacob," Crawford introduced, "He's 21 and lives in New Jersey. He came to Florida two days ago and is here for the summer. He might come with us on the trip."
Everyone introduces themselves. We all laugh and talk and find out more about Jacob's life. Then I decided to ask him about his crutches.
"Oh," he said looking down at them, "I...sprained my ankle about a month or two ago and it doesn't seem to be healing well." He tensed up a little.
"What were you doing?" I asked curiously.
"I was running."
"You do track?"
"No I--" the bell rings before I can get anymore answers out of him. We hadn't even touched our lunch. I wasn't very hungry anymore anyway.
"Got to go guys," Jacob says, swiftly grabbing his crutches and throwing his forest green jacket over his shoulder. His forest green jacket.
I have a sudden flash back. How the guy had a jacket just like that. How he ran away very fast. But it's definitely not him. That happened months ago. Jacob doesn't even live here. Plus Crawf said he arrived here 2 days ago.
"You think you could come tonight?" Chris told me as we dumped our food into the trash.
I remember his question from before. "Yes."


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