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Beep beep

I moaned in pain from the soreness that piereced through my body as I slammed my alarm clock shut. I opened my eyes, blinking away the lingering fatigue. I glanced over and peered at the  time.

Slumping back in my bed, I squeezed my eyes shut.

It's only 7:40.

Wait what?!!

I sprung out of my covers and quickly snatched the outfit I had prepared by my table last night. I put on the high-waisted skinny jeans and tucked in my Minecraft shirt. I grabbed my brown leather belt and raced out the room, hands gripping my backpack.

I nearly fell as I skipped downstairs and quickly grabbed a piece of toast from my plate. I then kissed Liam and Anne goodbye before I barged out the door.

At the Cube High

I pushed through in the front doors of Cube High not bothering to admire the beauty the school had contained. Oh, it was nice. But I just didn't have time.

I still couldn't believe I'm late for the first day of school. Nice move, Stace.

I hung my head low and looked around trying to find the office. I wasn't the one with socializing. So I guess I would consider myself an outcast. But in all honesty, I'd like to keep that title. I don't need friends to give me sympathy. I've had enough of pity in my life.

I let out a sigh, hopelessly trying to find my way around. I spotted a cheerful girl near her locker chatting with a group of her friends. I tapped the girl with ombre hair as she spun around with a smile plastered to her face.

"Ello!" She chirped. What was an Aussie doing here?

"Uh H-hi m-my name is Stacy and I'm that typical new girl here. So I was wondering if you could show me where the uh office is?" I stutter. 

I sigh heavily and squeeze my eyes shut, mentally kicking myself. 

'Oh my god'  I thought. 'Way to go Stacy, stuttering like an idiot.'

Instead of the girl giving me a weird look like I had expected, she flashed me a warm smile and an eager nod. 

"Sure. By the way. I'm Bianca. But you can call me Bee for short. Follow me."

I nodded as Bee motioned for me to follow her, leaving her friends behind.

I walked behind the girl silently as she led me to the office.

Once we finally reached to the office, her attention diverted back to me. 

"Here's the office. Don't be nervous. I'll be right here." 

I gave her a half-hearted smile. I slowly walked into the room and quickly greeted to a middle-aged woman who rushed to the counter. 

"Hello hun, how can I help you?"

"Oh um hi," I said awkwardly. " I'm Stacy Hinojosa and my parents Anne and Liam Harris enrolled me yesterday. I'm here for my schedule."

"Yes yes. We were expecting you," she said as her fingers flown on the keyboard, typing. The lady gave me a pink sheet with my classes on it. 

I walked out of the office and towards Bee. I was shocked when she offered to show me where my homeroom was. I was startled when she snatched the sheet out of my feeble hands. I stared at her confused as Bee's eyes darted from her schedule to mine." It looks like we have most of our classes with each other, except Science."

My mouth shaped in an 'o' form. Guess I'll be sticking with this girl from now on. If of course, she would let me.

We finally walked into our homeroom class which was surprisingly very far from the office. I kept my distance away from the door, but Bee noticed and shoved me in as some students turn their heads to see what was all the commotion was about,while others didn't care. The teacher smiled and walked over me. 

'Get me out of this hell' I thought miserably. I look down at my shuffling feet,avoiding eye contact with the teacher.

"Hello,you must be Stacy," she said as she turned to the class and announced my presence " everyone this is Stacy Hinojosa. She moved here from Utah. Stacy, why don't you tell us something about yourself."

At the moment, I was speechless and frozen at my place. Have I told you I'm not good at introductions? " uh... Hi. I'm S-Stacy. Uhh...I like dogs and milk????" I managed to sputter out. 

Everyone began to whisper and snicker as some people straight out burst out into laughter. 

You see I'm a very strong person. But I don't like being laughed at and made fun of how I act and what I like. I felt tears emerge around my eyes that were threatening pour out. I didn't want my first impression being a crybaby. 

So I ran.

 I fled out of the door and through the courtyard. I found a blossom tree and I ran over to it. I sat below the tree, curled up into a tight ball and started silently sobbing to myself. 

I keep telling myself to calm down. It just doesn't seem to work. So I just sit there and bawl my eyes out until I'm done. 

Isn't that sad? I bury my now red face into my hands. The weakness I've shown. About a few minutes later, I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I made me feel better. I wiped my tears from my eyes and dare I say, looked up at the mysterious person. And to my surprise, it was a boy.

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