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Ohh...Monday. I hate Monday. Who doesn't? Maybe I should go and decay to my end. I'm one of those kids who LOVE school. Who admire those who did good deeds. The teenagers that love to learn. Now, I just sit in a room full of hateful people and idle out of my mind. Hm, perhaps it'll be a bit nicer today.

When I get to school, everyone looks at me with repugnance. Some laugh and point. Others sneer. I see some who gasp and back away like I'm some kind of threatening disease. My mood lowers and my perception starts to change. The air suddenly gets cloudy and mild. When I see Bee waiting next to my locker, I feel a glimmer of hope that my best friend can be my consolation.

"Hey," Bee pulls me into a hug and I smile. At least, someone here accepts me.

"Hi." I unlock my locker and take out my math indispensable items.

"How was Australia?" I begin to discuss.

"If you cut out getting kicked by a mother kangaroo in the stomach," I wince. That must've hurt. "I say it was phenomenal. "

" Glad you enjoyed your trip." I could've been happy for Bee, but I just can't take my mind off of the madness. I guarantee you. It'll get even worse.

Bee seemed to sense my distress and gazed at me uptight.

"Whats wrong? What happened when I was gone?"

I noticed her voiced turned from firm to soft.

"I...." Should I tell her?


I let out a breath of relief. Saved by the bell.

The frown was still plastered on Bee's face. I hope she forgets about this.

"Please tell me, Stacy." With that, she ran off. For the first time, I was glad she was out to help Ms.Shelby, or else she would've bothered me the whole math period. I haste to my math class.


"Hm?" I answer.

"What's wrong?" Zach asks. My smile drops. Was I up in the clouds too long? I falsify a grin, hoping that he would, at least, drop the matter. He didn't seem satisfied.

"There's something wrong." My left-hand gets shaky and I hide it by stuffing it in my pocket.

"N-no. E-e-everything's fine. Really. No need to worry." I stutter. Why couldn't I inherit the ability to lie sufficiently?

"You better tell me." Zach looks at me and he squints his eyes. "I can feel it." My sad smile is still glued on my face and I shake my head. "Really. There's nothing." I flush. Why would he be worried about someone like me? It's not like I'm special to him. " Besides," I say. "If something was bothering me, I would tell you and Bee. I would never keep anything from you guys."

I can still notice that Zach isn't filled with my response, but he stops talking all at once. We get to our street. The same boring trees, suburban houses, and shiny polished cars. When we part ways, I wave at him and he waves back.

I manage to get my door open. Before I go indoors, I look behind me. What do I see? Zach. Looking at me. Anne tells me I have great eyesight and can see from quite a long distance. Thank you for my great vision. Zach whips his head away from me and quickly goes inside while I am standing there staring at his house. I could've sworn I saw a tint of red on his cheeks.

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