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It's finally the weekend. A time where I, Stacy Hinojosa sits on her bed, reading books and storing useless information about Sci-Fi into her brain.

I wake up at exactly 11:30. I rub my eyes, stretch my arms, and curl my toes. The usual things a human does. My stomach lets out a loud growl. I frown. I don't want to get up to eat. And so, I lay back down on my bed, hoping a plate of belegain waffles would just-

"STACY! WAKE UP!" I hear Anne yell from downstair. I groan and slap a hand on my temple, rubbing my forehead. X's

"Okay," I say. Loud enough Anne can apprehend what I had said.

I trudge towards the door and downstairs. I greet Liam good morning, who is sitting at the dining table drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. I do the same to Anne. I grab the plate of bacon and eggs that is set on the kitchen table. My mouth waters and I sit in front of Liam. I gorge down the delicious breakfast. Yum.

"Ciao," I say to Liam.

Liam tilts his head and chuckles. His skin was getting a lot more dryer and paler for his age. Hm, weird.

"I beg your pardon?"

I smile, food still in my mouth, "It's hello in Italian."

Liam's smile grows bigger and he nods. He then goes back into observing his newspaper.

I finish up the food and bring it into the kitchen. I wash the plate and go back into my room. I received a text.

Bee- Ayo


Bee-What are you doing?

Stacy-I just woke up. I'm going to brush teeth. :) BRB

I throw my phone back on my bed and prepare my bathroom necessities. I take a shower, brush my teeth, and wash my face. I don't get it. Why do people brush their teeth right when they wake up? I just don't like the taste of toothpaste in my food.

I rush back into my room to text Bee.

Stacy- Back

Bee- I'm bored. Wanna go to the mall and explore? Since we donnt have anything to do with our lives?


Stacy- Yea sure. Lemme just tell mom.


I back downstairs and notice Liam isn't there. I guess he's gone to work early.

"Hey, mom." I start. "Can I go to the mall and hang out with Bee?"

Anne looks confused for a second but I tell her who Bee was.

"Oh, you mean Bianca? Of course. You can go anytime."

I thank her and text Bee her answer.

Bee- Okay. Want to go right now?


I change into some skinny jeans and a graphic tee. My hair is now tied up in a ponytail and my purse is strapped on across my front.

I hear a shrill beep.

I speed towards the door and tell Anne I'm going. I unlock the door and run outside. Bee is in an ivory Honda. I envy her. I wish I could drive in a fancy car. I get into the seat next to her.

"Hey," I say while I strap my seatbelt on.

"Hey," Bee replies.

When I'm done, Bee drives off.

"I didn't know you drove."

"But," Bee responds. "I do."

I've never been her. Well, I just moved what do you think?

First, we went into Forever21 then Hollister. Shopping with Bee was a nightmare, but I have to say, she knows her fashion. Long story short, we have a lot of bags in our hands.

We sat on a bench to relax after our shopping spree. Then, I see Bee's expression turn cold. She scowls.

"What's wrong?"

Bee shakes her head. "N-no. Just don't look at her."

I shrug and go back to my relaxing state.

"Well well, isn't it the wonder twins." I hear someone behind me sneer.

Bee glare at the person again and I slowly turn around.

I turn around and frown. Erica? Oh right, she's probrably going to get her new stock of cashmere sweaters and Prada backpacks.

"What do you want?" Bee demands as she stands up. I see her fists clench. I hear poison drip from every Austrailian accented word she says.

I shiver.

Erica looks down at me. While I was a short 5'3, she was a good three inches taller than me. Screw me and my small self.

"Stand up," she orders. I obey. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I hear her whisper "don't", but now, I honestly don't care. She can tease me all she wants, but she can't start a fight with Bee, she just can't.

"I've done nothing to you, Erica. Just tell us what you need and leave us alone." I am shocked at the audacity my voice had. I keep going. "All you do is talk. Talk about--about--about people's privacy-"

I am surprised when Erica abruptly starts to laugh. She wraps her arms around her stomach like someone is hurting her. I'm furious. I really thought I had it going there. My speech gave me power. More power than it should have.

"WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT!!??" I exclaim. My eyebrows furrow and my blood boils.

"You think that standing up for yourself will make me back off." She chuckles under her breath. "Well, your wrong. It ain't like those typical cliche movies."

Erica takes a step forwards. I take a step back immediately feeling threatened. I don't want to start a fight. I just want to leave and get this situation over with. Bee growls. All of my confidence has now vanished and replaced with fear.

"You." She pokes me in the chest with her fancy manicured finger. I flinch. "Are adopted. Non?" I understand her french. Non means no. I nod slowly.

She steps away. Her hands motion her posey to follow her. With that, they leave.

I turn around and face Bee. I shake my head and sigh.

"Now she's going to tell everyone at school." I bury my face in my hands. Bee pats my back.

"Can we go home?" I say the sound muffled in my palm.

"Of course." She replies and we walk out to her cars with our bags in hand.

I don't want to know what happens tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after that. Maybe i'll die on my way to school tomorrow and everything will stop. Everyone will forget about Stacy Hinojosa the adopted freak.

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