Smirks and Bruises

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My feet felt like they were a hundred pounds each walking up the stone steps to my high school. I followed, a good while after Blake, into the front of the school. I didn't want to risk bumping into him. I didn't remember having him in any of my classes - so I should be okay, as long as I don't go outright looking for him.

I went to my locker, dropping off a few of my books, straightened out my bag, held my chin up high and walked to my first hour English class. Today is going to be great, I told myself. I just hoped I was right.


So basically, here's how my day went: I went to my first four classes, which were uneventful to say the least. Most were boring, actually, and I seriously considered falling asleep, even with the caffeine running through my system. After my fourth hour I met Gabby, my best friend. She caught me up on all the latest news in her life, and - more often than not - caught me up with the latest gossip in other peoples' lives. It's not like I enjoy gossiping like a total prep, that's not like me at all. Gabby's not a prep either, she just... enjoys gossiping. It's not really my cup of tea, but I enjoy listening to her talk never the less.

After my fifth hour - which was US History, and Gabby was in that class, thankfully - we went to lunch. Now, here was my dilemma. Lunch was my most vulnerable time, the time when I was most likely to see Blake. And I didn't particularly want that to happen, considering what went down this morning. But lo and behold, the second I stepped in the lunch room to get my food, as I was scanning to make sure the coast was clear, there he was, two tables away.

"Crap!" I said, mostly to myself, and ducked behind Gabby. She gave me a strange look, wondering what the heck I was doing. It wasn't like me to be shy. Not that I was being shy, per say, I just... I don't know. I couldn't explain why I didn't want him to see me. This had to be a new thing. And I didn't like it.

"What?" she asked me, giving me the are you on drugs? look and tossing her long blonde hair to the side to get a better look at me.

When I saw her in the hallways this morning I instantly regretted going slacker-chic for school today. She had dressed up in a cute frilly pink top and Miss Me jeans, and I felt like a complete schlub. Not to mention that today was the day I finally found Blake, and look what came out of that.

"I'm just... I don't want somebody to see me. Hide me?" I pleaded, not able to lie to her. I'd tell her all the details later. For now, she would just have to trust me and go along with it.

She gave me a mischievous smile and said, "Okay," allowing me to duck behind her somewhat, blocking me from his line of sight.

"Thanks, girl," I said. "I owe you one."

I then proceeded to get my food, sit down (hiding behind her the whole way) and sitting with my back facing him so he wouldn't see my face. Then I told her everything.

When I say I told her everything, I really did. I couldn't keep anything from my best friend, and while I was a little wary about what she would say, or more importantly do, I liked being able to tell her.

"No. Way." Gabby looked at me like I was insane. "Why haven't you gone for him yet?! He's totally hot!"

"Gabby, have you even been listening to me?" I asked, waving my hand in front of her face. She hadn't stopped staring at him since I started the story. "Hello?"

"Yes, honey, who do you think I am?" she asked, turning her attention back to me. "My point is, he's really cute, and from the looks of it, he's playing hard to get. You should seriously consider making a move!"

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