Oh Gabby

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I inhaled deeply as my sleep-infused brain tried to regain consciousness for the morning, but my body didn't want to wake up yet.

"Just five more minutes," I mumbled sleepily to myself, rolling onto my side so that my head was resting on something soft and very warm. I sighed and reached down towards my feet to bring a blanket up to cover me, but I found none – I must have kicked it off during the night.

All of a sudden, I felt something fuzzy and comfortable covering me, and I knew it was a blanket. What didn't make sense was why it had just magically landed on me.

Oh, well. Just go with it, Annabelle, I told myself, and my brain started to drift off again. "Just five more minutes."

"You said that two minutes ago," a familiar deep voice came from next to me and to my right.

My eyes snapped open, only to find Blake's mesmerizing eyes inches from mine. I yelped, and scampered back a foot or two. That would've been fine if I hadn't overshot and landed butt-first on the floor with a very loud thud.

Blake pushed himself up so that he could look over the edge of the bed at me with a shocked expression.

"Jeez, I didn't know I was that scary," Blake joked. "Sorry."

"What- why- how-?" I stammered, unable to form a coherent sentence. How in the world had I ended up sleeping in the same bed as him – again?!

Then, in a flood of good feelings and happy smiles, the memory of last night came back to me. Not that we'd done anything serious, just a few sweet kisses, but it made me smile immediately. Oh yeah, and he'd asked me out on a date! Tonight!

"Seems like you've remembered," Blake said for me, seeing as I didn't say anything for awhile.

I looked up at him once more, and couldn't even be bothered by my most likely bruised butt where I'd landed on it, because I was smiling goofily. "Yeah..." I trailed off, feeling like such a girly-girl at that moment. I felt giddy, and almost as if I might faint. This was too good to be true, but of course I was nervous as well.

Another element of last night's events came back to me right then. Gabby was sleeping in my bedroom, or possibly up and about the apartment, but I doubted that. She was going to be majorly hung over, and would probably sleep until night time.

"How's Gabby?" I asked Blake, standing up so that I could plop down on the bed and not lay sprawled out on the floor like an idiot.

"I don't know, I haven't checked on her yet," he told me, watching my every movement as I carefully lowered myself next to him. Out from under the warm blankets, and away from his warm body, I was already starting to shiver.

"We'll have to do that soon," I reminded him. "What time is it?"

Seeing that I was starting to shiver a bit, Blake wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled my body closer to his. Once satisfied with my position, he kept his arms around me and pushed my head down so that it lay on his chest, right below his shoulder. I have to say, it was incredibly warm – I was toasty within a few seconds – and not at all uncomfortable. He was like my own personal pillow, but that might seem a contradiction since his entire body was hard and muscular. Nevertheless, whenever I was in the same bed as him (which was turning out to be quite often lately), an ordinary pillow could never compare.

"Around nine," he said into my hair after pulling out his phone to check the time. Since I was snuggled up right next to him, I could see his phone as he checked his messages and missed calls and such. He wasn't shy about it like he normally was – well, maybe 'shy' is the wrong word, since Blake is never shy – and I wondered why that was.

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