An Angel Gets His Wings

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My eyelids fluttered, feeling the unwelcome sunlight against my face. I got the feeling it was too early to be awake, but it was too late. I snuggled further under the warm blankets, unwilling to get up just yet. I inhaled, and slowly the gears in my brain started turning enough for me to realize that this didn't smell like my bed. My eyes snapped open in confusion, and I looked around at the unfamiliar walls. This was definitely not my room.

My heart skipped a beat, but then in a rush it all came back to me. I let out the breath I had been holding, but quickly drew in another one as I remembered all of what had happened last night. Oh my goodness.

I felt my cheeks burn up, even though I was completely alone in his room. Had I really kissed him a third time? Actually, it was more like he'd kissed me a bajillion times. In different places.

I groaned and flopped back onto the pillow underneath my head. I sat up again after a few minutes, fingering the fringe on one of the three blankets that had been tucked on top of me. All three of them were from my room. I distinctly remembered falling asleep with no blankets on, so I figured that Blake had gone to get them and covered me up. I smiled at that - at least he was considerate.

I made the mistake of swinging my legs over the side of the bed and attempting to stand before I recalled that I had two broken toes. I felt the need to groan again, this time in pain, so I did.

I hobbled my way to the door and out into the hallway. My eyes met the usual sight of Blake, his back towards me sitting at the island in the kitchen, feeding Cookie a few pieces of dry cereal.

"You know, if you keep feeding her human food, she's not going to eat her own. She's already spoiled enough," I laughed, surprising them both.

Cookie barked once happily and made her way to me, wagging her tail the whole time. I giggled as I picked her up, and she affectionately licked my face a few times. I wiped the slobber off my cheek and went to sit next to Blake in the kitchen.

Blake was totally comfortable feeding Cookie his food. In fact, he was comfortable doing just about anything at my house. He even helped me clean and cook, went to the grocery store for me when I asked him, and did everything as if he lived here - which, technically, he did. As soon as my parents had left, he'd packed his stuff and moved in. Personally, I loved it, because that meant that I had someone to talk to, unlike before when it was just my parents and I.

In the two short months that I'd known him, we'd grown incredibly close. Closer, in fact, than I was to anyone else in my life - even my own parents. I shared pretty much everything with Blake, and hung out with him more than any of my other friends, even Gabby.

"Good morning, sunshine," Blake said affectionately, taking a bite of his cereal.

"What time is it?" I asked him, setting Cookie down on the floor and going over to the pantry to get a bowl of my favorite Honey Bunches of Oats.

"About nine. I forgot to get your cereal," he informed me, an apologetic smile on his face. "You can have some of my Cinnamon Toast Crunch if you want."

I made a pouty face, but Cinnamon Toast Crunch was just fine for me. It was second best only to Honey Bunches of Oats. I filled a bowl up for myself and went to sit next to him once more.

"So what do you want to do today?" I asked him once I'd taken a few bites in silence.

He sighed, contemplating my question. "We could go get your tattoo done, if you want."

My stomach turned over on itself and my palms started to sweat. Yes, I was still completely undecided on whether I was actually going to pull through with the whole tattoo thing. I was definitely excited - for the end result. I didn't think I'd deal well with the pain. I cleared my throat nervously.

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