Red Pumps and Phony Texts

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It was Wednesday now, and I dreaded school all of a sudden. I decided that since now I knew that Blake actually went to my school, I'd try at least dressing up a little more. Better than baggy sweatpants and a tank top, no matter how comfortable I was yesterday.

Well, except for when he was around at lunch and in the hallway. Then I'd felt like I was under a microscope, and I wanted to squirm away from him.

Right before bed last night I'd set my alarm for twenty minutes early so I'd have a few extra minutes to get ready. Although I hated the fact that a boy would have control over me, in the sense that I was sort of, kind of, dressing up for him, made me feel like such a weak stupid girl. Another one of the dumb sluts who fawned over guys like they were the guys' property, hanging on them and practically drooling.

Well, that definitely was not me. The only reason I was dressing up in the slightest was because I felt like the shirt I was wearing yesterday was too low cut. I hated how he had stared at me.

Cookie didn't like that I got up early, and refused to wake up. She even crawled back into her doggy bed and paced around until she found a comfortable position to lay in, her back to me. I scoffed, mildly offended, and padded to the bathroom, taking a look at my wavy, light brown hair. I decided I would straighten it today, since I had the time. After I had straightened it to shiny smooth perfection I did my eye makeup, making my eyes look bigger and more dramatic in a way that I knew guys liked. Not that I was trying to impress anybody.

I rifled through my closet, looking for something interesting to wear. I found a flattering, billowly red t-shirt that was definitely more girly than an ordinary cotton t-shirt, paired it with cute dark jeans that I knew made my butt look good, and then I dared to pair the outfit with dangerous red pumps. I knew I'd probably walk half as fast as I normally do, but it'd be worth it - if I didn't fall flat on my face, that is.

I swung my normal school bag over the shoulder and walked out the door, shouting goodbye to my parents. Gabby's mom was picking me up today, so I didn't need to walk today - another reason why I'd picked the heels.

"Ooo, don't you look cute today!" Gabby exclaimed as soon as I swung myself into the back seat. "Is it for a special someone?" she asked, wagging her eyebrows suggestively.

I rolled my eyes and leaned forward, reaching to turn the radio up a couple notches. Otherwise, she'd be grilling me with questions all the way to school. Once we were at school, however, the inquisition came.

"So tell me, Annabelle, is it for him?" she asked excitedly.

I groaned inwardly. "No! Is that so hard to believe? I just wanted to look cute today since I looked like utter crap yesterday," I said, half-honestly. It was a smidge about Blake, but not fully.

"Mhmm," she said suspiciously, giving me a look. I rolled my eyes for the second time that morning and stalked off to class as fast as I could in my four-inch heels.

I sauntered into chemistry - my first hour - happy that I'd picked the heels, no matter how much they were going to kill me later on in the day. They made me feel taller, which meant sexier. Now, I wasn't normally one to go around calling myself sexy, I wasn't that conceited, but I did like the way I felt in the outfit.

I took my usual seat at the back of the class, and smiled when one of mine and Gabby's friends Jeremy walked in. He had been a good friend to Gabby and I for a long time, and I confided in him most of the time.

"Hey Annabelle," he said sweetly. He was such a nice guy. I thought him and Gabby had dated once, too, but I couldn't be sure.

"Hey Jer," I said, calling him by his nickname. I was the only one, besides Gabby of course, that could call him that. He made all his guy friends call him by his full name. "How are you?"

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