The Girl You Can Say Anything To

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I ushered Gabby inside as I helped her take off her shoes and sit her down on the couch.

I was really starting to panic. Gabby had done this before, but there was something different about her tonight, different than when she usually turned up at my front door drunk and in need of someplace to sleep. She looked especially smashed beyond belief and she had random bruises along her arms and one that was beginning to form on her left cheek bone.

"Baby, what happened?" I asked as softly and gently as I could, but she was too far gone to answer me. She kept mumbling things about unicorns and something about Ke$ha's feet... I shook my head at her, giving up.

I let her lean on my shoulder for support as I helped her up and into my bathroom to take off her makeup, attempt fixing her hair a little, change her into some of my pajamas, and get her to bed. Blake stood in the doorway of my bathroom, ready to come to my aid if I needed it.

With Blake's help I eased Gabby into my bed and under my covers. I sighed heavily, relieved of her weight, and sat on the bed next to her to tuck the blankets up under her chin. "Goodnight Gabbs."

"Nighty night Anniebelle..." she slurred with a goofy grin on her face as she closed her eyes and immediately fell asleep.

I giggled at her, happy that she was safe, at least for the moment.

Blake and I made our way out of my bedroom, and once outside the door I closed it and leaned against the wall, closing my eyes.

"Does she do that often?" Blake asked, and I opened my eyes to find him standing right next to me, gazing at me intently with his eyebrows drawn together.

"Only sometimes, but when she does I'm here," I told him, smiling sadly. It was not the preferable way to show my friendship, but if it meant that she stayed one of my incredibly good friends, I would gladly do it all the time.

"That's good," Blake enthused. "Shows you love her." He winked at me, and with that he turned and went to his room, shutting the door behind him.

I sighed once more, facing the living room, and I decided I would sleep on the couch, since there really was no other option. It took me a few minutes to realize that I had no blankets or pillows.

I went to Blake's door and knocked softly.

"Yeah," I heard from inside, and cracked the door open a little. I was greeted by the sight of a shirtless Blake, in the process of changing out of his jeans and into his cotton sleeping pants for the night.

I quickly averted my eyes, saying, "Sorry," focusing my attention on the clothes strewn about his floor. I'd have to make a mental note to do laundry soon. "I'm going to sleep on the couch, do you have any blankets?" I'd get the pillows from my room later on.

"You sure you want to sleep on the couch?" he questioned with concern as he took a few steps toward me, having finished putting on his pants – although he was still shirtless.

I had to unwillingly pry my eyes away from his perfectly chiseled upper body as I answered him, and I'm pretty sure he noticed, but he didn't say anything. "Yeah it'll be fine."

Blake's eyes narrowed in skepticism. "You always wake up with a backache," he reminded me.

"It's okay, it's only one night," I insisted. What was the worst that could happen? "So do you have any blankets?"

"No," he answered quickly, and I was instantly suspicious. I was pretty sure he kept a few extras in the closet. This was my house, after all.

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