The Locket

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My eyes fluttered open to the sudden light shining in my eyes, and I drew in a deep breath, raising my arms above my head to stretch out my slightly stiff back. It had been a rather long night - not that I minded.

"Good morning sunshine," I heard from my left, and it instantly brought a smile to my face. I turned my head to look at the beautiful boy laying next to me on the bed, his shirt off and still laying in a heap on the floor from where I had thrown it last night. He looked incredibly tan, even in the dead of winter, a fact that made me just a tiny bit jealous. The bed covers were thrown off of him, as if he got hot in the middle of the night, and he was just now sitting up seeing that I had woken up.

"Good morning," I said cheekily, smiling as I put a restrictive hand on his warm chest. "Don't get up yet."

He chuckled at me. "We can't lay in bed all day," he told me, rolling his eyes but laying back down at the same time.

"Oh, can't we?" I challenged him, and he grinned at me. I shook my head. "I don't want to stay in bed all day. Just a few more minutes."

I mumbled the last part as I quickly scooted closer to him, laying my head on the bare skin of his chest and wrapping an arm around his torso as if he were a pillow.

He wound one of his arms around my shoulders and relaxed, letting me do what I wanted. I threw one leg over his body haphazardly and my head shook as I felt him laugh.

"You're very cuddly this morning," he commented matter-of-factly, but he didn't seem to object too terribly much.

"You haven't exactly given me a reason not to be. Yet," I told him, tilting my head up to look him in the eyes.

"After last night, who wouldn't be," he teased playfully, but even though he hadn't meant to embarrass me I felt my cheeks flush.

This only gave his ego a boost, and he smiled at my squeamishness. I wouldn't say I was entirely comfortable with everything that went down last night, but I didn't regret it - that was for sure.

"Oh, come on. Don't tell me that wasn't the best night ever," he said, tweaking my nose. That made me giggle and I laid my head back down on his chest.

"It definitely was for me... but what about you? That couldn't have been the best ever for you." It couldn't possibly - he had gone way farther with a lot of other girls.

"True, it wasn't the craziest stuff I've ever done," he told me, smiling a bit sheepisly. I almost swatted him upside the head, but I knew it was true, so I let him continue. "But it was the best."

I stared at him doubtfully.

"No, really - it was." I still gave him a look as if to say, Yeah right. "Alright, look," he explained, pulling me up into a sitting position so he could face me while he spoke to me. "No, that's not the farthest I've ever gone. And no, you weren't exactly throwing yourself at me like they usually do." I rolled my eyes, this time taking it upon myself to smack his shoulder. He grinned before continuing. "But all those girls that I've done crap with - I always regret it in the morning. You can count on it."

He whispered the last part, as if he didn't like admitting it out loud. "And what about me?" I asked, just to hear some sort of confirmation from him.

He smiled genuinely at me. "I would never regret doing anything with you," he told me, pulling me into his arms once more.

As soon as I had snuggled my face into the space between his shoulder and his neck, he seemed to remember something.

"Oh! I have something for you," he told me, and gently pried my hands off him. He left me to sit on the bed while he got up and rummaged through his dresser drawers for whatever it was.

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