Uh Oh...

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Blake and I continued to watch TV for a long while, but I couldn't concentrate on the reality show. My brain swirled around in my head, thinking of the upcoming trip to the tattoo shop. How much would it hurt? Would it look different from his drawing? Would I chicken out and not even do it?

My hands twisted nervously in my lap until Blake stopped them with a simple stare. "Sorry," I said quickly, balling my fingers into fists and making sure to place them firmly at my sides.

He chuckled endearingly. "No need. Just stop being so nervous. Is it about the tattoo?" he asked sympathetically.

I nodded, feeling the blush on my cheeks. "Don't lie to me and say it doesn't hurt," I told him warningly.

He seemed to think about that for a second before replying, "I'd never lie to you."

I smiled at that, feeling some of the nerves disappear. "Good."

"Let's not think about that right now," he said, leaning over until our faces were only about a foot apart.

"And what do you suggest we think about?" I teased, looking into his big, blue-green eyes.

His smile faded. "I don't really want you to think about this... but you need to." My eyebrows drew together before he said, "Jeremy."

"Ah, yes. Jeremy," I repeated, leaning away from him once more as I stared at my phone on the coffee table. "I should call him."

Blake nodded, although I could tell he didn't like the idea of me talking to Jer at all. I sighed and reached forward to pick up my phone, scrolling through the long list of contacts to Jeremy's name. I glanced at Blake to find him already looking at me before I pressed the "Call" button. "Do you want to listen?" I asked Blake.

"If you want," he told me graciously, nodding.

I hit the speakerphone button as I heard Jeremy's voice on the other end. "Hey, Annabelle," he said excitedly. I had to remind myself that he thought I didn't know about his little plan. I sincerely hoped Blake was right in his assumptions, because if he wasn't then Jeremy would never trust me again. But I believed Blake more than Jeremy at the moment, and probably always would.

"Hey, Jer," I greeted him with false enthusiasm.

"What's up?" he asked me innocently.

"Nothing, just at home watching TV. Listen, I need to ask you something." I braced myself for the worst.

"Oh yeah, what's that?" he asked casually. I could hear the TV blaring in the background.

"Umm..." I trailed off, not sure how to phrase it. How exactly does one ask their friend if they're using another one of your friends to get to you? Crap. I really should've thought this through more. My mouth started working, sensing the awkward silence, before my brain could catch up to it. "Do you like me?" I blurted.

I shut my eyes, grimacing, and shook my head. I tried to be as quiet as possible while I mentally cussed myself out. That was not the right way to ask it. Blake didn't let his opinions show on his face as he looked at the phone intently, waiting for Jeremy's reply.

"What do you mean?" Jeremy asked, confusion in his voice.

"I mean, like..." I trailed off again, uncertain. "Uh, let me rephrase that, I guess. You know last night when we went to dinner?" Of course he does, Annabelle, I scolded myself.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"You were kind of... Oh, I don't know..." Fudge! Why was I blowing this so bad? The nervous pit in my stomach only grew when I found myself at a loss for words. Speak! "Did you know you were looking at me... and at Blake?"

I Was Saved... by the JerkfaceWhere stories live. Discover now