Party Time

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It was Friday night at four o'clock, and Gabby was already ringing my doorbell so we could get ready for the party. I rolled my eyes at how eager she was before I opened the door and she came rushing in like a tornado. She had a bag over her shoulder, which I guessed was stuffed with possible outfit choices for tonight, and was carrying her makeup bag in her hands. Why it took her so dang long to get ready, I'll never understand.

Gabby started talking as soon as she walked through the door, not pausing to greet me at all, and walked toward my room and my bathroom, still talking to me over her shoulder. Cookie came out of my room to bark at her a few times before deciding she wasn't worth it and going back to sleep. Lazy dog.

"Okay, so I have this dress, and this one, and I have this shirt, which if I wear it I'm going to wear with this skirt, and I have these shoes that could go with either this dress or this one, and..." Gabby carried on, babbling about her seemingly endless choices as she pulled them out of the bag and laid them on my bed. She finally turned to me, expectantly, like I was supposed to have reached some kind of decision.

"What?" I asked her defensively. "You gave me about a billion choices, give me a second to think, would you?"

She rolled her eyes. "Fiiiine," she said, dragging it out and going back out into the living room to turn on the stereo. Enrique Iglesias' song Tonight I'm Loving You pounded through the surround sound.

Gabby and I both went into the bathroom to do our hair and makeup, even though the party didn't even start until six thirty. Who knew when it would end?

Apparently, according to Blake, there were going to be a lot of seniors there. We were juniors, and he made it sound like his friend Andy had made an exception for a few juniors, but not many. This was part of the reason I was pumped for this party - there would be a ton of senior boys there, and this was bound to be a killer party.

Once I did my makeup (a little dramatically, might I add, since Gabby told me to), I texted Blake.

Hey, what's the address of the party? I asked, not sure whether it was at Andy's house or somewhere else. Either way, I had no idea where we were going.

He replied quickly with the address, asking what time Gabby and I were going to show up. I told him I didn't know exactly what time. Knowing Gabby, we would probably be there as soon as the party started - as you can tell she's a bit of a party animal. Some of that has rubbed off on me over the years, because I never used to like going to any of the parties we got invited to. I know I really shouldn't be complaining, since some people never even got invited to some of the parties we went to, and they wanted to go really badly. I just wasn't much of a party girl up until about a year ago when I decided to let loose a little more.

Blake didn't like my answer about not knowing what time we were going to shop up apparently, because he decided to call me after a few minutes had passed.

"Hello?" I answered, not bothering to check the caller ID. Gabby was the only one who called me besides my parents, the rest of my friends texted, and who else would it be?

"What time are you guys going?" asked a familiar deep voice on the other end. I was beginning to really like the sound of his voice now that it wasn't completely obnoxious all the time. Don't get me wrong, he could still be smug and snobbish and annoying, but he was lightening up little by little.

"I told you I don't know. Gabby's already here getting ready, though, so she'll be itching to go early," I said, and I knew he could hear the exasperation in my tone.

"Does somebody not want to party tonight?" he teased.

"No, I want to I just don't see the point in getting ready three and a half hours ahead of time," I told him, lowering my voice so Gabby wouldn't hear. I realized that he might not be able to hear me with the music blasting, so I turned it down a bit.

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