Breakfast in Bed

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I stirred in the warm, comfortable bed in the morning, feeling contentedly not sleepy – meaning I had gotten a fair number of hours of sleep in. Instantly, I didn't even have to think about where I was. I knew in a split second that I was in Blake's apartment in his bed. That fact alone caused a little stirring of nervousness in the pit of my stomach, but at least I didn't have to think for a full five minutes about where I was.

I slowly raised my arms above my head and stretched, feeling my back pop and my breathing quicken slightly. Okay, I decided, time to open your eyes Annabelle. You can do it...

I cracked one eye open to test and see how much light there was in the room. The window on the far side of the room was open, and the bright morning light shined into my eyes, making me grunt and immediately shut my eyes once more. I pulled the covers over my head and refused to open my eyelids again until I was sure they could handle the intense light.

"Ahhh it burns," I moaned, not quite sure who I was speaking to.

"Sorry 'bout that," I heard Blake's voice from across the room. I jumped slightly, having not seen him before now. "I just needed a little light to see."

Blake was standing in the kitchen, and suddenly the amazing aroma of eggs and bacon hit me like a bowling ball. My tummy rumbled in anticipation of Blake's signature yummy breakfast.

I patiently waited in his bed, keeping my eyes trained on him. We didn't speak, and I found myself watching his every move. He was so graceful, like a trained chef, flipping the eggs and just milling around in general. My eyes caught the contours of his nicely toned arms, his broad shoulders, and his chest (which I could see through the loosely-cut tank top he wore). His skin was a golden tan, even in the dead of winter, and I could almost feel my mouth water at the sight of him – but that might be slightly weird.

My mind jolted back out of its haze when I saw him coming towards me, a tray of food in his hands. He sat next to me on the bed and set the tray down. Two steaming plates of bacon and eggs, along with two glasses of milk were placed in front of me, and my mouth was definitely watering now.

I turned to him, a huge smile lighting up my face. "You brought me breakfast in bed."

Just then, something happened that I'd never seen happen before. It shocked me so much, I didn't actually know what was happening until a few seconds later. Blake... was blushing. Wait, wait, wait, hold on a second. He was blushing?! Since when did Blake Harold know how to blush?!

"Yeah well, I figured you would be pretty happy about it, so why not?" he answered me, his cheeks fading slightly, but still retaining some of the gorgeous rosy red color from a few seconds ago.

"Are you... blushing?" I asked him, totally not processing his response to my previous statement.

"Huh?" he asked me, confused. I bet he blushed so little that he didn't even know he was doing it.

I quickly averted my eyes, secretly smiling to myself. "Nothing," I murmured, picking up a fork and digging into the delicious eggs in front of me. I sat up fully and crossed my legs Indian style, closing my eyes briefly and moaning in delight as I took a bite of bacon. What would the world do without bacon?

"I take it that means it's good?" Blake asked, not picking up his fork yet. His eyes were securely fastened on me, watching my every move much like I had been doing earlier. I squirmed a little under his intense gaze, but the squeamishness vanished as I realized that I was 100% comfortable around him. He could stare at me all he wanted – I knew he would never judge me on something as silly as how I ate or whatever.

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