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The next morning a knock sounds on my door and I grunt rolling over. "Come in." I yell and cock my head curiosly when the door doesn't open.

Trudging out of bed I fling the door open and frown. "I said come in."

"Sound proof rooms." Drake says with a smile and i nod in understanding because we werewolves have very sensitive hearing. "My father told me to tell you the plane leaves in thirty."

"Thanks." I say shutting the door when he goes to turn. Getting some ripped jeans white skinnies and an off the shoulder red shirt i go to the bathroom to get a quick shower and get dressed.

When i get out i brush out my long black hair and sigh because i really need a cut it stops right under my bottom. Linda would never let me get it cut because she didn't believe in cutting your hair. It came along with her religion and I respected her so I respected what she believed and only got it trimmed.

Leaving the room i follow the sound of voices and open the door only to stop in my tracks when about thirty pairs of eyes stop to stair at me. "Um.... Hello?" i say not knowing what kind of greeting they expected.

"Andrea please have a seat." Darren says with a kind smile pointing to the chair beside him. Quickly i scurry to the chair wanting all of the eyes to leave my face. "We will be leaving shortly. Would you like some breakfast."

I shake my head because i don't like breakfast before i have a morning run. "No thanks do you have coffee?"

Not two seconds later a kind looking lady hands me a cup of coffee with a kind smile. "Do you take sugar, cream?" she asks and i shake my head.

"This is just fine thank you." i take a sip and then look back at Darren. "So where are we off to?" i ask really wanting to know.

"The palace of course." the woman says and i look over to her with an are you serious look. What kind of palace?

"What palace?" i ask and Darren cuts in sternly before anyone else can answer. "Your bags are already in the jet if your ready to go."

I should have known these people had their own jet their loaded. They may have a lot of people living with them that they have to feed and clothe but their loaded.

I give Drake a hug and say bye to everyone else. When we get out to the jet i see two buff dudes in the front of it ready to fly.

My mouth drops open in amazement because i have never seen something so cool. Theirs only about ten seats in here but it looks all cozy and on the back of every leather seat is a built in television. "This is awesome." i mumble.

"Sit anywhere." Darren says as him and the lady enter the jet. I nod eagerly and take the seat all the way in the back turning on the television. I flip through the movie and stop on The Hangover. Okay i know its a bad movie but its funny. Allen just cracks me up.

"We have an hour left." Daren informs me.. I look over and the woman is snuggled into his side asleep.

"Is she your wife?"

He chuckles and says "Something like that. Her names Michelle." Well im glad that someone finally told me her name. It was starting to irritate me.

"Do you know where my bags are? I'd like to change."

They are in the closet across from the bathroom."

I get up and go to the closet. Sure enough my stuff is in there. I get my bag out and get my mascara, hairbrush and deodorant. Then from my other bag i get a gold bikini and some black skinni jeans with the knees out and a white spaghetti strap tank top.

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